Chapter Twenty-Five: Neptune Coffee

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Word Count: 1061
Trigger warnings: Borderline sexual assault

Tweek's POV
I'm a simple teenager. I wake up at the break of dawn, go to school, meet up with my boyfriend, leave school with my boyfriend, go to work for five to seven hours, meet up with my boyfriend, go home, take a shower, and then go back to sleep. Typically, this cycle is neverending, and I can't do anything about it, so that's why I was shocked when Craig pulled me into his house and up the stairs to his room, of course, not without a few involuntary yelps on my part.

If you're thinking, "Ooooh, Smut?" you would be incorrect. Sorry to burst your bubble. However, by the excitement and joy in Craig's eyes as he pulled me inside, covering my eyes with his hand, I was also pretty surprised that he wasn't planning to propose or something.

No, Instead, he uncovered my eyes, and they immediately darted to the foreign object in the corner of his room, a large metal cage and a little puppy running around inside of it, playing with various toys that were just the right size for him. Craig quickly ran over to the cage and opened it, picking up the puppy.

"This," he started, looking down at the pup, "Is my new Siberian Husky. She doesn't have a name yet. Ruby found her near the lost forest by Stark's Pond and we took her to the vet, but she didn't have a microchip and no one responded to the flyers, so my parents said that I could keep her because 'Ruby is too irresponsible.'"

I always love seeing Craig when he's so full of happiness. It's rare to see him act like this. He lights up when he looks at the stars or talks about his future, but this was different. It was like; he had something to dedicate his living to. His eyes were full of wonder and curiousness with a huge helping of love.

"So... I was wondering... because you're my boyfriend and all... if you could maybe... name her?" He looked up at me with a toothy grin and a bright spirit, "Please? I'm not creative enough."

I chuckled at his childish behaviour before responding, "Can I hold her?" Craig rolled his eyes with a 'duh' and handed over the adorable creature. She melted in my arms, seeming to become comforted by my presence in her new home. I giggled at her mannerism and Craig's pout before looking into the puppy's eyes. Bright blue, brighter than Craig's but not quite as blue as the sky. She wiggled around. I looked at her fur and found it to be a nice mocha colour. A name sparked in my mind. " Neptune Coffee Tucker." And just like that, a new Tucker was named.

"Oh! Shit!" I said gathering my bookbag and thermos, "I have to go to work!" I tightened Craig's oversized hoodie that laid lazily around my waist and reached for the doorknob. However, I was twisted around, throwing my thermos across the room and allowing for my bookbag to fall off of my shoulder and land on the floor. Suddenly, I was centimetres away from my boyfriend's lips, cheeks glowing red and noses touching.

"You're not going anywhere," he purred into my ear, "I  called ahead to your parents and told them you were sleeping over." I giggled, and he leaned in to kiss me.

I pulled back and gestured to Neptune. "Craig, not in front of the children," I told him with another giggle. He pouted but was visibly trying not to smile. I crouched down to Neptune's level and caressed her fur, "Do you wanna go on a walk, Neptune?" She jumped up on my folded legs and stuck out her tongue, seemingly smiling. "I'll take that as a yes."

I looked back at Craig and gave him a 'pouty five-year-old' look that could win an Oscar, and he laughed, offering me a hand to get off of the ground. He pulled me up to him by my waist once I got on my feet, noses, once again, touching. "Maybe... for a kiss?"

"Neptune, look away!" I laughed and gave Craig a quick kiss. I pulled away and reached for Neptune's leash, clipping it onto her vest. "Okay, let's go!" I said, jumping up from excitement.

"Put on the hoodie, you're going to freeze to death, it's like -25° [-13 °f] outside,"  Craig told me, returning to his usual monotone voice.

"You just want to see me be swallowed by your jacket," I smiled and he gave an innocent face, taking Neptune's leash from me and pointing to his hoodie. I rolled my eyes and pulled the hoodie over my head, showing off the SpaceX logo on my chest. I snatched Neptune's collar from Craig again and we ran out of the room and down the stairs together.

"Hey! No fair! You're faster than like... everyone!" Craig yelled, chasing after us as we ran out the front door.

I stopped about a block away from the house, at a crosswalk, and waited for Craig as Neptune caught her breath as well. I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram, liking the occasional picture of my friends.

Arms wrapped around my waist and I instantly smiled, closing my eyes and accepting the kisses on my neck from Craig. Ready to turn around and push him into the ravine beside me when he stopped. "Hey Tweeky,"  He purred. Oh. Fuck. No.

I turned quickly and sucker punched him under his chin, sending him flying backwards and onto the grass behind us.  "What the actual fuck? I told you to stay away! You're past taking a hint, Dick," I hissed. He sat up with a groan, rubbing his back and holding his chin with a confused stare, looking around him.  Holy shit! when did I become so strong? Have I always been this strong?

"What. In. The. Actual. Fuck?" a familiar voice joined in beside me, staring down at Pete as well. Neptune seemed to suddenly realize what happened because she jumped onto Pete and attacked him.

"OW! Holy shit! What's going on? Where am I?" He asked pulling Neptune off of him.

I exchanged glances with Craig and whistled Neptune back to me reluctantly.

A/N: Uhm... That was a VERY long break from the book. I guess I'm just the type of person who is too dedicated to work to just leave for awhile and I don't know whether to apologize or just leave it like this, but I'm Canadian so, you know, I'm Sorry! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, nonetheless. Leave a vote? Have a wonderful day and don't do anything really stupid.

~Beru <3

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