Chapter 12 Part 1

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Chapter 12 Part 1


"Good morning," I murmured to the doctor.

I didn't know what I was expecting, but certainly not this young beautiful woman wearing a white lab gown. She was Asian, as the straight black hair and small dark eyes suggested. Her skin pale and yellowish, her makeup artfully complementing her small oval face. And she sat behind her desk with a computer monitor at her side.

"Good morning, Mrs. Harrington." The psychiatrist greeted with a smile before turning to my husband who stood stoic behind my chair. "Zachary, why don't you sit down on the couch?"

She gestured to the receiving area of her office, where a TV was on.

"No, I want to hear this."

"That depends on the patient, Zach." The doctor continued, turning back to me, "Would you like me to kick out your husband?"

"Mara," Zach warned.

The interaction suggested long time association. An old flame?

I glanced at Zachary's face and was surprised to see his eyes on me. He was tense. He was tense since last night... since what Larry said. It was as if when he heard I fainted, the soul rose from his body and came back in a crash.

"N-no, not yet."

That was the only thing he said.

"So what do you say, honey? Should we throw your hubby out of the room?"

I couldn't look away from Zach, "I-I don't want him here."

I watched Zach's face darken, "Scarlett."

"Oh, shoo!" Mara waved Zach away, "We can't start unless you leave. It's not like you don't see her everyday. Now go already."

Zach still stood there without intention of leaving.

I played with my fingers nervously, recalling his reaction when I got back from the mall. "P-please."

Zach seemed to memorize my face before sighing, "Fine. You have an hour. And I want to know what Mara says."


When the door finally closed behind him, I turned back to Mara. She was pouting at the door.

"That guy, seriously."

"You look like you know each other personally," I stated.

Mara smiled at me, "Yup, college. Still can't stay inside a room with him for too long though. He's too... intense, depressing and a morbid killjoy. Although we're best friends, along with Marcus."

"Marcus?" I heard that name before, "You mean Lily's husband?"

Her eyes glittered, "Oh. So you've met them. Zach and Marcus are financial geniuses, were dubbed the Dynamic Duo in their department. Plus their visuals don't hurt too. But other than that... ugh. Makes me wonder why girls threw themselves at those idiots."

"I see." Mara had an interesting way with words.

She suddenly flushed and waved her hand dismissively, "I wasn't insulting you. I meant the other girls. I heard stories about you but from what I just saw... you keep him well in line, which is just strange by the way, knowing him."

When Mara smiled, her eyes completely disappeared beneath her eyelids.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

The smile disappeared and she pouted in a childish manner. "Whoops. Marcus always said I was too talkative. Shall we get back to business?"

I didn't know what to think of Mara, to be honest.

"Sure, I guess." I shrugged.

She clapped her hands, pulling a file from the bottom drawer of her desk. "It's somewhere here. Wait a sec... oh, here you go."

She set down a folder between us. " You are... Scarlett Heloise Noble-Harrington."

I nodded and she opened the folder to me for the next page then paused.

"How do you want me to explain this? I could tell you all the medical terms but honestly, unless you're a specialist my words are going to sound like garbage."

"The simplest way possible."

She grinned, "Great choice. But first, I want to know what you do know about yourself and what happened."

Why I was suddenly nervous, I didn't know. But I hesitated a little when she pulled out a pad paper and a pen.

"Oh, these?" she lifted the pen, "I'm pretending to look cool and professional, don't mind me."

I nodded, and thought back. "I'm Scarlett Noble-Harrington. And at the moment, have been married to Zachary Christopher Harrington for a year now and I'm six weeks pregnant. Two weeks ago, I was in a car accident—I don't know what accident specifically—going somewhere I don't know too."

"Go on."

"My mom left when I was five and my Dad died three months ago. That's all I know." I didn't tell her about the flashbacks. Or that bit about being a virgin when... Those were too personal to share.

Mara stopped scribbling on the paper then looked up, her eyes assessing as she stared at me. Then she smiled again, "Okay. That's good enough." She set down the paper and pen then went back to the folder which she pushed to me.

"I have copies of your tests from the accident. Your blood tests, MRI, ultrasonography—ugh, we agreed on simple explanation. Sorry. My point is that all your physical exams are pretty much fine. Except for that fracture on your left wrist, that is. However, after the accident you've lost all of your memories since childhood. So, why is that?"

Mara tapped her finger on her desk as she spoke, "We've ruled out head trauma and medical condition, which aside from being slightly anemic, your body seems normal enough. And before everything else, may I add that I was the top of my class and currently finishing my doctoral thesis..."

She flicked curious eyes at me.

"And from your records and from what I know, my best guess is you have General Dissociative Amnesia."

When you need some in-depth research for your story. Have a nice day;)

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