Chapter 27 Part 1

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Saying hi to @zainabkb :)

Which reminds me, I'm going to start dedicating my finished chapters to my favorite readers. I meant to do that after I finish this book... but I probably won't be able to do that anymore after I finish this. I'd be internet free for 5 months and all to accommodate my studies.

Why am I saying this? well... just so you guys aren't too surprised when you see it on your notifications:) This is a reminder so I don't forget to do it too.


Chapter 27 Part 1


The first time I woke up inside the hospital, I felt nothing but confusion.

Who was I? Where was I? Why was I here? Why did this strange man have to constantly stay with me?

The frustration I felt... The inexplicable fear of the unknown. The never-ending apprehension over anything and everything. The feeling of that void inside my head.

I thought it was going to be the worst thing to happen to me.

But today I woke up to the white ceiling of yet another hospital room. Someone somewhere must be schadenfreude at proving me wrong.

Because waking up like this... waking up knowing who I was, where I was and why I was here was epileptically worse than that first time.

I would rather wake up, a thousand times over, not knowing anything rather than waking up like this.

There was nothing that compared to this.

Nothing. The void I had felt inside my mind was a prick on the finger against the void inside my heart. This was a killing blow... if only that same blow was directed at me instead.

"You're awake," a relieved voice breathed out beside my bed. "Thank God."

For what? I wanted to close my eyes again.

This time I knew who it was who was sitting beside me. This time, I remembered enough to wish it wasn't him. Anyone but him.

Not daring to look at him, I raised my right hand in front of my face. And here was the proof of my latest ordeal. A drip was attached to my vein.

I stared at it hollowly. There was a numbing feeling in my chest, my body feeling sluggish. But my mind felt clear—and that was the cruel part.

"Red," Zach called again and this time with a touch to my arm. I flinched at his warmth.

An echoing silence would've followed that if it was just the two of us inside the room.

"She's probably still feeling the effects of the medication."

I turned my head at that voice. Mara was leaning against the windowsill. Her black hair was pulled back in a ponytail and her hands in the pocket of her lab coat.

Meeting my eyes, she raised an eyebrow coolly. "Hello, Scarlett."

She didn't say anything else. This prompted Zach to grab my attention by taking hold of my hand. And against my better judgment, I turned my head to him. Just like I thought, he was searching my eyes with a pained expression in those blue eyes.

Who knew even clear skies could look so stormy?

"Red," Zach tried again, "Are you okay?"

Are you okay?

I stared at him blankly. How? How could this person ask such a thing?

That void within my chest grew...

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