Chapter 13

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@Adorascott @danjust2 Because as much as I'd love to have more readers, having a few awesome ones like you is enough payoff;) My heart goes out to people like you! 

And I don't know what I'm doing wrong if I am doing anything wrong with my story! Although if you guys have any idea about how to increase my reader base, do share! I'd appreciate it so much. I love reading comments, you see:)

*waves* @Mozu-V !

Chapter 13


"What did Mara say?"

I took my eyes off the passing trees to look at Zach who sat tense beside me at the back of the Bentley. didn't know if it was the session or the pregnancy, but I was tired. And quite honestly, frustrated of what the doctor told me.

I felt naked without my memories... vulnerable. But I had to let it be?

Your baby, Scarlett. Don't be selfish.

I blinked twice before answering. "I thought she would've told you by now." I didn't mean to sound accusing and Zach let out a sigh.

"She told me to ask you if I wanted to know what you discussed. Then proceeded to curse me to my face, telling me to take better care of you."

I faced him fully then, observing his face. Was he trying to lighten the mood or was he telling the truth? Half of me already considered him my home and the other half... just didn't trust him.

I couldn't find it in me to smile.

"She told me not to ask about the past."

Zach wasn't expecting that answer. At least I knew that to be true.

"Is that all she said?" he asked quietly.

I shrugged, "Yes."

Zach breathed out a sigh. 

Why did he have to look so relieved at that information? 

A part of me detested him for it but I immediately quelled it. Mara said he was protecting the baby and I couldn't wrong him for it. But not knowing anything... still made me angry. Frustrated. It's unfair.

We didn't talk for the rest of the ride. When we got back to the penthouse, I immediately started for our room.

"Scarlett," I heard Zach call.

But I continued up the stairs, flung our bedroom door open then slammed it shut behind me. I threw myself into the bed then pulled the covers over my head. I needed to calm down. I needed to stop thinking about all of these things right now.

The sound of the door opening and closing told me Zach followed me into the room. And the next thing I knew, the covers were being pulled off my face. Zachary was kneeling beside the bed with an expression akin to worry.

"What's wrong? Is it what about Mara told you?"

His soft tone coupled with bringing back Mara's words had tears springing to my eyes.

"Leave me alone," I croaked pitifully. I looked away from his intense expression, trying to pull the covers back but he wouldn't let me. Even his superior strength over me was a source of annoyance and I glared at him through the waterworks.

"I can't do that, Scarlett." Zach let out a breath, "Not when you're like this."

I wanted to lash out at him with words. Call him a liar. I knew I was being unreasonable and childish. The memories would come back eventually and I was just frustrated with the delay. But I needed an outlet and he was right there.

But I couldn't do it. The reasonable side of me was holding me back. It was like war was within me and the casualty was only me.

Tears started spilling out of my eyes.

And you know what he did? He proceeded to rub my back over the covers and it just made more tears fall.

"Shh... It's okay. You're okay," he murmured.

His expression was soft, his words injected with warmth that it stopped me from saying everything wasn't okay.

"Is it true?" I blinked back tears, "W-what Mara said?"

Zach's expression didn't change from that of concern as he continued to rub my back.

"What did she say?"

"T-That you're worried about the baby. That's w-why you don't talk about what happened before the accident."

"Of course," he answered quickly.

I searched his blue eyes. "That sounds like a lie," I whispered.

He smiled slightly and shook his head, "You want the truth?" I nodded once. His hand stopped rubbing my back, sliding over my front and stopping low on my stomach. "Babies are resilient. I'm more worried about the mother."

"You mean that?"

The hand resting on my stomach lifted to my face. With his fingers, he brushed over the escaped tears.

"I'll always worry about you. Always care. Did you ever doubt that?"

Always. My heartrate sped up at his words.

Even with my present dilemma... it was as if for the first time, I was registering our positions— me lying on the bed and him hovering over me. He was within reach and all I had to do was pull him closer. I could hear his breathing, smell his cologne, feel the heat from beneath that skin.

And I looked away before my thoughts went awry. My cheeks heated up and I bit my lip.

"I m-meant about babies... that they're resilient."

I heard him chuckle, "I think you do need some rest now." 

He started to stand up and I hesitated for a moment. My hand shot out on it's own, tugging him back to me. Zach looked startled but obliged me, "What is it?" he asked.

The words were spilling out on their own before I could second-guess myself.

"The headache and the fainting are my memories coming back. Mara thinks the more memories, the worse it will be and it might cost me a miscarriage if I couldn't deal with the pain. That's why she doesn't want me to ask about the past. But I want to know about my past... and I'm scared. About not knowing about myself and feeling vulnerable and mistrustful of you. And I'm scared for the baby and that risk of losing him and I don't know what I'm supposed to do now."

But I didn't say those words.

I opened my mouth but no sound came out and Zach stared at me, waiting.

"What is it, Scarlett?" he repeated.

My hand dropped back to the bed and I shook my head.

"N-nothing. I'll rest now."

My friend wanted spoilers about this story and of all the things to ask, "Is the baby a boy or a girl?" :D

Seriously guys, if you liked this story, don't forget to vote, comment and follow my profile:) Lots of love!

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