Chapter 39 Part 2

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People aren't voting anymore. how sad.

Hiiiii! Miss me? I'd love to say that after my exams I started to have time but that would be a lie. There were filings to be processed for my license, events to go to, even a job interview which I didn't even realize I was already having. But all's good. I missed you guys!

To whoever sent me the banner above, please do comment yourself. I don't know who it was from but I'm sure this was the first one sent to me and if I'm correct, she's from India and is fifteen. Thanks, babe!💛

Chapter 39 Part 2


"Have you lost your mind? Where's Sarah? What have you done to her, Seth?"

My voice had come out shrill and accusing. Rather loud considering how everyone turned to our conversation. Graduating students and juniors alike now gave their full attention to the commotion.

Forget graduating in peace, my panic was draining all the embarrassment from my body. And I glared, heaving from my run across the campus, my eyes sharpened on this person as the smile only widened on his face. I wanted to slap it off his face.

Seth used a tone of nonchalance, "Why don't you sit down, Scarlett? The show's just about to start."

His hand grabbed my shoulder and I was quick to slap it off. I stepped away from his hold, my hands turning to fists.

"Where's Sarah?" I saw the smile slip for one second only for Manasseh Thompson to cover it up with a smirk. "Seth!"

"You should calm down, Noble." Smirk still in place but with a hardness in his eyes, he gritted out, "We're all just having fun here."

"Calm down?" the words came out low, disbelievingly, "Having fun? At the expense of our classma—"

"Hey, Manasseh!" Someone from the group cut me off, "We paid big for this event! When she coming out?" That statement was followed by a chorus of similar grumbling and lewd catcalls.

My head snapped in the direction of that voice. It was another of my classmates. I recognized him to be James Carson. And that's what made it all worse. He was another of Sarah's long line of unrequited admirers. Next to him, Manasseh was a cuddly puppy. There were rumors about him, from sexual favors to bribing the teachers that no one dared speak about in the open as he was a senator's son. Plus that one time that he'd approached Sarah, my best friend had come back listless for the whole day. She assured me nothing happened after I'd asked her a million times but just to be sure, we made sure to steer clear of him.

And to see him here... it felt like someone walking over my grave.

"Forget it," I told myself before turning back to Seth with renewed determination, "Just tell me where Sarah—"

"Just two paintings down and she suddenly thinks she's better than us?" James called out to everyone. I whipped around. Provocation. Something that I didn't have time for. James smirked when I glared, "What, rich girl? Riding on daddy's coattail? No one would even care if you weren't George Noble's princess."

My tongue did not need any holding back with this monster, "And you're not doing the same? I heard the Senator is a pretty brilliant man. But as I see, that trait doesn't run in the family."

I watched his face color with fury at my words. The crowd around him started forming a wide berth. They were egging him on. As if they were any better. But I didn't come here to be anyone's spectacle. I turned away from them, back to Seth.

Just as I opened my mouth, James was already there. "Manasseh," he staged dramatically, "Is this how it is with you? You let every girl lead you around?"

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