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Agent 8's POV
It's Friday morning, today I'm moving in with 3. We haven't spoke much since. I saw him in Inkopolis Square drinking a soft drink with a short Inkling girl, he smiled at me, and I returned the smile with a small wave but I couldn't help but feel jealous at the Inkling girl he was with, I wonder who she was. Pearl and Marina have been extremely overprotective over me, they must be really depressed about me leaving, a knot of guilt ties around my stomach, but a smile of happiness lies on my face that I'm becoming independent, and that I'm of course living with 3. I'm currently sat on the couch, dressed in yet again, one of my Enperry hoodies, waiting for 3 to turn up, while Marina and Pearl were loading a few packed boxes. 3 owned a motorcycle similar to Marina's, so he agreed to drive me to the apartment. Marina and Pearl are taking my belongings there, even though I don't have much to take. It was raining again, but not as bad as the night 3 was here, the aroma of rain hung in the air like the smell of a rotting corpse.

Agent 3's POV

I was 2 minutes away from Pearl and Marina's mansion and Agent 8's now former home. The algid wind hammering me and rain drops slithering down my clothes as I zoomed down the bustling streets. 8 moving in with me was planned a while ago with me and Pearl, the reason why Pearl welcomed their octoling friend into their home was because they would feel to guilty to just let him out into the open world as soon as he arrived in Inkopolis- they only downside being the two girls have became attached to 8, they think of him as their own son in a way. I used to live with my best friend-Agent 4- however she bought a different apartment but decided to live on her own, probably to blast her music at full volume at night while she breathlessly screeches at the top of her lungs without waking me up.

Finally I had arrived at the grand house, I sloppily parked up my motorcycle on the white, brick fence, the handle just supporting the cycle up. I began to step towards the front door, where Pearl and Marina were squeezing the absolute life out of 8, tears piercing their eyes, Marina began to place dozens of small kisses on 8's blanched forehead. Once the two had finally stopped suffocating 8, they met my gaze and shot me a grin, while teardrops glittered in the corners of their eyes. "Guess we'll see you in a few" Pearl said as she hopped into the seat of her car. I put my arm around 8's shoulder in a comforting way. I took a seat on the front of my motorcycle, 8 stood next to the second seat awkwardly, fidgeting with his hands. I showed him how to get onto the seat, and once he was on, he wrapped his arms around my stomach, I felt his hands falter slightly as I whizzed off onto the road.

"Are you even old enough to drive this?" he questioned.

I gave a simple, straight forward reply,"I'm 17, so yes."

"Oh, I'm 16" he stated.

The rest of the short journey was nothing interesting, 8 seemed to get nervous whenever I picked up a pace, or whenever we came to a sudden halt, since I could feel his grip around my waist tighten like a knot, but hey-ho, at least his arms warmed me from the cold. The city looked like a blur as we raced past.

We arrived at the apartment. It was basic and modern looking, the white paint looked freshly coated and the oak looked unblemished. We swung open the shimmering glass doors to find Pearl and Marina waiting in the lobby. They gave 8 one last, huge, loving embrace, before finally waving goodbye. I turned towards him, "Hey, don't worry you'll see them again." I comforted as I put my right arm over the smaller boy's shoulder, I noticed a pink tint begining to form on his cheeks. "Hey what's with that blush? You aren't falling for me are you?" I jokingly teased.

✮Two Breaths Walking | Agent 3 x͓̽ 8 |Yaoi✮Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora