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Agent 3's POV 

"Yep!" I smiled, "You know, you're really cute... I guess 4 was right about my soft side for you..." Crap- I was thinking out loud.

"S-s-senpai..." he looked up, his beautiful monochromatic gaze stared deeply into my emerald orbs. His eye's were soft and caring- warm and milky grey.

It was at this moment, I knew I had fallen in love with him.


I soon felt a small weight on my right shoulder, I turned my head to see the most adorable thing.

Agent 8 had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

The gentle, soft sound of him breathing was the only thing to be heard. Damn, if I just moved my head slightly I could be kissing him right now, but I can't really do that... 

I decide to go inside, I lift 8 into my arms, making sure I have a firm grip on him as I step up the stairs leading towards the door. Since both my hands were occupied with holding the most adorable boy on earth, I used my left foot to kick the door open, doing the same to close it.


"Shush! Don't wake him!" I snapped, looking back down at the sleeping octoling.

"Awww cuties..." 4 squealed.

"You two should date." Gloves added with a wink.

"No, I'm good thanks." I said in response.

"Hey, you can't exactly put 8 on the back of your motorbike while he's asleep, you two can sleepover at our house." Marina offered.

"If it's okay with you, thanks." I accepted. Marina showed me where one of the spare rooms were, I gently placed 8 down onto the mattress. 

"Do you want me to show you to another roo-" I cut her off.

"I want to sleep in here." I glanced at 8, "Do you have any spare blankets? I'll sleep on the floor." Marina ran off, soon coming back with blankets and pillows. She placed them down next to the bed.

"Do you need anything else?" Marina asked, smiling brightly.

"No, I'm fine thank you." I declined. As long as I have 8, that's all I need.

"Okay, goodnight." She left and closed the door.

I kneeled next to the sleeping octoling; the innocence showed on the sleeping face and the soft breathing made the world seem to stand still. My hand slowly reached out before I began to gently stroke his head, trailing down onto his right cheek.

I wish I could feel somewhere else... And that came out the completely wrong way...

I lifted the silky, snug blanket from him, my eyes wandered around his perfect, slender frame. My hands hovered over his his waist before I finally placed them on his skin. My hands tailed towards his stomach slowly going over his v-line, his skin felt so perfectly soft and delicate.

"You likey-like?" 

My head spun towards the door- there was 4 standing right in the doorway, a smirk plastered across her skin. I bolted towards the door, pushed 4 into the hallway and slammed the door shut.

"What the actual hell are you doing?" My cheeks began to flush red with embarrassment, my fists began to clench.

"Just checking to see how you two boyfriends are doing~" 

✮Two Breaths Walking | Agent 3 x͓̽ 8 |Yaoi✮Where stories live. Discover now