Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Eric had been trying to convince me to go with him for the past half hour. It didn’t escape me that it was already really late in the night and the more I took to decide- the later it was going to get.

Whenever I felt anyone was getting too close to where we were at, I started to run further away. Eric came along with me.

I had thought about losing him, but there were two reasons why I didn’t. One- I didn’t think I’d be able to outrun him because he looked too fast. Two- I appreciated that he hadn’t told anyone from his pack where I was at.

It made me trust him.

“If you don’t want to listen to me, then you shouldn’t. But, you should at least listen to your Wolf. What does she want? Because I can bet anything that whatever she wants- is the same thing you want,” Eric said.

“She wants him,” I softly muttered.

When I looked up at Eric, I noticed he was smiling at me.

“I already know that she wants him. Your Wolf calls to him. I can’t even imagine how she must feel. Your mate’s an Alpha. I heard the pull for an Alpha male is stronger than any other,” he continued.

I swallowed audibly, which made Eric chuckle.

“You look like you’re scared of it.”

“I am. I’m married. Nicolas- he isn’t going to let me go so easily,” I reminded him.

“He’ll have to. If he doesn’t- my Alpha will make him do it. We are stronger than Raven pack… and well, stronger than any other pack in the US. I think you already know that though.”

I did know that. Most of us knew all of the packs in the US. Hell, most of them had a name for something. Midnight Moon was known for not only being the biggest, but also the strongest pack in the US.

But, would that even be fair?

Nicolas didn’t deserve for me to do something like this to him.

“It isn’t Nicolas’ fault that I am your Alpha’s mate,” I stated.

“It isn’t my Alpha’s fault either. If anything, you should blame your pack.”

I did blame my pack. Not only for being married to Nicolas, but for so many things where they had been in the wrong. It was unfortunate that I only noticed how bad their ways were until I moved out.

Over the past month that I’d been with Nicolas, and even the little time I knew him before that- I came to care for him. I didn’t want him to be hurt. At the same time, I didn’t want to give up my mate.

When Eric noticed I’d kept quiet, and I was looking down at the ground- he closed the distance between us.

“I’m not trying to make you feel guilty. I just think that before you decide anything, you should talk with my Alpha,” he suggested.

As soon as I agreed to talk with the Alpha of Midnight Moon- Eric called him over.

Surprisingly, he was closer than I thought- despite how much I kept moving away to keep him or Nicolas from finding me.

“Mate,” he said, when he was standing a few feet away.

The same happiness that had taken over my body the first time I saw him, came to me just as quickly.

The Alpha Meets The Rogue (Alternate Reality--Nicolas)Where stories live. Discover now