Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


“Please don’t fight with Dylan,” I told Nicolas.

Eric was now standing by the door, looking between both of us. He’d told me that Dylan had talked to him through the mind link.

He was an hour away and I hadn’t gotten anywhere with Nicolas.

“I won’t, if you stay here with me. He can leave and I’ll forget that last night ever happened,” Nicolas said.

I sighed, feeling exasperated that our conversation wasn’t getting anywhere.

“You already know what I want,” I stated.

He grinned at me, not even caring that I was getting annoyed and worried by Dylan’s arrival.

“You already know what I want as well,” he said, leaning closer to me.

Eric growled at him when he got too close. Earlier, I had disentangled myself from his arms. The closer I was to Nicolas, the worse I felt about leaving him.

“I want to be with my mate. You have to know what that means, how that feels. I don’t want to lose my mate too,” I said, looking down at the ground.

Nicolas growled loudly after I made that comment.

“Don’t say that,” he snarled.

I wasn’t sure if he was mad at me, or just over my words.

He began pacing the room, running his hands through his already messy hair. Just a day and a half that I’d been away and he already looked in terrible condition.

“I love you,” he said, talking more to himself than to me.

“Why did he come to ruin things? You were mine, I- you’re everything,” he said.

He stopped his pacing and looked up at me- his eyes were a dark coal color. So many emotions were running through them.

I wanted to walk closer to him, try to comfort him in some way. Already I knew though, that having any form of contact with him wouldn’t work.

“I’ll leave you alone, without a fight against Midnight Moon,” Nicolas finally said.

My eyes widened in surprise by his words.

“You will?” I whispered, not knowing if he was serious.

He nodded, but he looked hurt by that. I could see all the pain he was feeling just by looking at his expression.

It could be so easy to come back with Nicolas and reject Dylan. After all, I already knew Raven pack. They loved and accepted me.

But I didn’t want easy.

I wanted what was right. I wanted to be happy. I wanted my mate, Dylan.

“Alright, then I will tell Dylan that,” I said, closing the distance between us.

Eric hadn’t let up his guarded stance, and he still had his eyes on Nicolas. Now though, his expression had slightly softened.

“I just have one condition,” Nicolas said.

I was too happy with his decision of letting me go. A condition hardly seemed like an issue.

“What is it? Anything you want, I’ll give it to you. Dylan will give you anything you want as well. I just- I don’t want anyone to get hurt. The people- it’s not their fault we have this problem,” I said, feeling uncomfortable with my last words.

Nicolas nodded, his expression shifting to something else.

“I don’t want a fight either. I was willing to fight if the pup didn’t let up,” Nicolas stated.

I scowled at him, not appreciating his words.

“He’s not a pup Nicolas. You know that’s rude. I have a feeling you’re saying that on purpose,” I told him.

“He’s a pup to me,” Nicolas shrugged, while grinning at me.

I sighed, shaking my head at him.

“I’m younger than Dylan. If he’s a pup, then what am I?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

Eric chuckled at my words, while Nicolas frowned at me.

“You’re my woman,” he snapped.

I smiled, and cocked my head to the side.

“Not anymore,” Eric muttered, with a teasing smile.

Nicolas’ head snapped so quickly towards Eric’s direction.

“What did you say?” Nicolas growled, trying to walk toward Eric.

I quickly stepped in front of him, and put my hands on his chest.

“Trust me when I say this, threatening Eric will not get you anywhere with me,” I told him, with a steady voice.

Nicolas huffed at me, not looking happy that I’d stopped him.

“I’m an Alpha, don’t forget that. Be glad Leila is here to save you,” Nicolas told Eric with a menacing voice.

“Hey, stop. What did you want?” I asked him.

I pushed on his chest, trying to get him to take a few steps back.

“I want you,” Nicolas replied.

I rested my forehead on his chest. Not because I was agreeing with him, but because he’d already said that plenty of times.

Nicolas however wasted no time in wrapping his arms around my waist to bring me closer to him.

“You know what I mean Nicolas. You have a condition. Let’s hear it,” I said, picking up my head to look into his eyes.

His expression sobered up, and his posture became rigid.

His Alpha Wolf was at bay and oh was my Wolf reacting to him.

She was inwardly growling at him.

“It’s the only way I’ll let you go without a fight. If you decide against it, then there’s no point in anything. We’ll fight and the best will win,” he said.

His words weren’t exactly what I’d been expecting.

“What exactly is it that you want?” I asked him, now feeling nervous by his words.

“When Isabelle died, I was left alone. You know this. I thought I would stay like that for the rest of my life. Then I found you,” he said, smiling at me.

The day I’d heard of the marriage proposal hadn’t exactly been one of my favorite days. I did learn, later on when I was already married to Nicolas, that he’d been more than happy.

He didn’t think he would ever find anyone- that was, until I came along.

“I know,” I said, giving him a smile of my own.

‘Maybe it will all work out fine,’ I said to myself.

“I won’t get another chance to be with someone, and it doesn’t matter because I don’t want that,” he said. His voice sounded deeper than it usually did.

His Wolf was standing guard, ready to shift if Nicolas ordered it.

“I don’t have a successor for my pack. Your blood and mine- we would make a really strong pup. An Alpha and a Beta- it’s so rare it’s almost unheard of,” Nicolas said, sounding amazed by his own words.

I turned to look at Eric and he was mirroring my horrified expression.

“What do you mean?” I asked, noticing the light tremble in my voice.

“Give me an heir for my pack and I’ll let you go,” Nicolas stated, looking too determined for my own good.

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