Chapter 05

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The young couple sat opposite each other—the cozy ambiance in the McLean's balcony doing little to settle the hushed argument they've been having for the past couple of minutes.

In all honesty, Emery did not want to end things this way with Nicholas McLean. She was in love with the guy after all. And not even the fact that she sold her freedom to the devil could make her love him less.

Regardless of their current mess up situation, Emery had expected some form of affection from her boyfriend upon his return—just to make up for all the lost time. But he did not even spare her a kiss when he opened the door for her earlier.

Surely there was something different about him, and it wasn't his brooding features because her guts told her the change in behavior had little to do with her misdeed.

Emery regarded him warily as he combed his fingers harshly through his messy dark hair. An argument was brewing again.

“What did I ever do to deserve this, Em?”

An uncomfortable shiver ran down Emery's spine when he fixed his searing gaze on her again. And just like before, she looked away, hiding behind a curtain of her loosened hair.

After all the things she had confessed to him, she could not bring herself to look him straight in the eye. And now more than ever, she berates herself for not talking this over the phone instead of having him fly all the way to Manhattan.

“You knew this guy before this didn't you?”

Emery spun towards his direction when he threw that accusatory question at her. “What are you insinuating-”

“Don't you dare lie to me, Em!”

Emery saw his curled fists and wondered if the only reason why he hadn't taken another swing at the poor vases by the table was because of the presence of his grandparents who were having dinner on their balcony —just a stone's throw from where they sat.

“I'm not going to ask again…”

Emery sat upright when he leaned over the table, not giving a damn that his hasty movement almost caused their mugs of coffee to topple over her dress.

“Nick, I swear there's nothing going on between us… I only did this for Christopher and nothing else.” Emery blinked the tears away again as she tried to focus on the fuming man before her.

“Nick, you need to believe me…I had no choice.” Emery went for his hand but he swatted her hand away.

“Two years Emery and you want to fucking flash everything we had down the toilet because of Chris?”

Emery blanched at his words and it took everything in her not to lash out at him. How selfish could he be?

“He's my brother, Nick. What would you've done if you were in my place?”

For some reason, her rhetorical question seemed to annoy Nicholas the more. And since they had already attracted the attention of his grandparents who were now watching them, he seemed not to mind adding the cherry on top of the cake.

“I wouldn't have used my brother for my own selfish gain nor throw our two years relationship in the trash can for a few bucks Em.”

His fist finally met the coffee table, startling Emery. He sprang to his feet and walked out on her. The door to the balcony rattled behind him from the force of his exit.

Hastily, Emery stood up and made to go after him but Nicholas's grandfather's voice held her back.

“Is everything alright, dear?” Emery gave the old man a hesitant nod.

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