Chapter 20

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"It's not that hard, try it again

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"It's not that hard, try it again. You just need to focus. Even Grandma can do it." Noelle urged, handing her uncle another puzzle piece.

Billion sighed in annoyance and took the piece from the eager girl. He wished it was his heart and mind he was putting into place as he twisted and turned the lego into the correct position.

Maybe I should end this madness once and for all.

With all his might, Billion wished he could sit her aggravating ass down and spill everything to tame her wild heart, but they had come too far and he was not going to lose HOPE by acting on his feelings.

"See? Easy!" his niece chirped when the final piece clicked into place.

"Very easy." Billion left a peck on her forehead, though his mind was far away from the walls of his grandparents' home.

"You missed my ballet class last week and Grandma said you traveled with your princess. Am I not your princess anymore?" she asked, peering at her uncle in sadness.

"Of course you are. You'll always be my princess. The only one actually," Billion said, tugging her into his side.

"So she's not your princess?" Noelle asked curiously.

She belongs to another man.

"Elle?" their grandmother called from the kitchen, saving Billion from answering the conflicting question.

"Yeah..." the little girl drawled, knowing what was coming next.

"It's getting late. You've school tomorrow. Off to bed hon," Penelope said. Noelle's lips pulled into a pout and she fell onto the rug in a mock sleep.

"Oh no young lady, you've school tomorrow. Now come on," Billion scooped his sulking niece into his arms.

"Will you stay today?" she asked as they headed up the stairs.

"No, princess. But I promise to be back on Saturday..."

"Come with your princess OK? I want to have a tea party with her," she said giddily.

Billion scoffed at the request but in order not to upset her, he agreed. "Sure." her smile widened at the response.

After tucking her in bed, he asked, "What are we reading today?"

"Princess and the frog!" Noelle said, waving her teddy in the air.

As usual. Billion rolled his eyes and pulled the over-read book from its place on the shelf. He sat at the foot of the bed and delved into the Disney world for a whole five minutes. His niece was asleep halfway into the story as usual and that was his cue to end the tale.

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