Chapter 17

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Emery's thumping heart came to a standstill when Miles pulled up into an empty space in the hospital's parking lot. Although she had been checking up on her brother through Natalia's updates, it felt like ages since she last visited him.

In all honesty, she felt like the worst sister ever for not sitting by his bedside and tend to him. However, Clifford hospital held bad memories for her and staying there every day did not help her sanity.

“Hey.” Emery looked away from the doors to the emergency ward when a light tap sounded on the passenger side window.

With her mind caked with how to deliver the news to her brother, she had not noticed when Miles got out of the car.

“Thanks.” Emery mumbled when he opened her door for her.

She stepped out of the car and quickly braced herself against the cold evening breeze as it slapped against her face as if to tell her something unpleasant.

Pulling her denim jacket tighter around her body, she glanced up at the man beside her. He offered her a smile that was assuring.

They made their way into the health facility. The place was dominated by the usual chatter of health professionals and patrons. It was the strong scent of antiseptic and drugs that did not help Emery's nerves.

Miles might have caught onto her anxiousness because he slipped his fingers through hers and held onto her hand. Emery looked up at him with a soft smile and clutched onto his hand. She sighed.

“Do you want me to come in with you?” He asked when they turned the corridor leading to her brother's room.

Christopher had been taken into a private room for close monitoring, all thanks to the man beside her.

Yes was at the tip of Emery's tongue. She wanted him there with her—she needed the comfort and warmth his presence brought her.

Still, this was not the time to introduce her impromptu fiancé to her overly protective brother. Heck, she didn't even know if her brother was in any position to hold a conversation.

He was fine. Emery consoled herself.

She turned to Miles and said, “Thanks… I'd like to talk to him first though.”

Miles nodded. “I will be right here.” He pointed to the bench just a foot away from the door.

He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, his warm smile not wavering for once. When his fingers slipped through hers to let go, Emery had to stop herself from holding onto them for a little longer.

But the knowledge that he was right there, in the same space with her, calmed her pounding heart.

Emery sighed heavily and dragged herself to the door. She stared hard at the waxed wood for a second as if it would tell her what was going on behind its hinges. Not even in her wildest dreams did such things happen so she did not hold her breath.

Emery grabbed the doorknob, her hold tightening on the cold metal before it could slip out of her sweaty palm. You've got this. She reminded herself before she turned the doorknob and stepped into the quiet room.

Natalia was the first to spot her. She pulled herself off her seat and met her halfway.

“I've been calling you,” Natalia whispered to Emery's ears alone.

“I'm sorry, my phone was on charge. How's he?” Emery muttered back at the same time trying to catch a glimpse of her brother over the doctor's shoulder.

“He kept asking but I didn't know how to tell him... Doctor Hanna wanted to wait for you but he was getting upset so she told him.” Natalia rambled.

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