Chapter 34

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Owing to the events of the previous night, sleep eluded Billion, and he had no other choice then but to rise with the sun this morning

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Owing to the events of the previous night, sleep eluded Billion, and he had no other choice then but to rise with the sun this morning. 

After a trip to the bathroom, he dressed up in a simple tailored suit and had their help come for his luggage. 

It was the activities that had woken Emery up. A curt good morning was what she received before she was provided with her dress, to get ready. 

Billion's reserved behavior had thrown her off, but she brushed it aside seeing as she had less time to get herself to work. 

When Emery walked out of the bathroom minutes after, her brows drew together as she watched him pace before the fireplace, as if he wanted to put a dent in the crimson carpet. She cleared her throat and that was when her presence was made known. 

"Hey," she said, making her way to him. 

"Hi." his voice had grown heavy and more distant. 

Placidly, Emery grabbed his hand and made him look at her. "Are you alright?" she asked gently. 

Ruining his combed hair with a frustrated tug, Billion released a deep sigh and backed away from her. 

The strength may have left him when he woke up at dawn and saw her delicate form cuddled in his arms. 

But by all means, he had to fight for restrain, be the bigger person and be strong for both of them. 

"Billion..." Emery called. 

Her countenance fell once she met his misty yet stormy eyes briefly in the mirror, stationed atop a dresser. At the far end of the spacious room. 

"What's wrong?" she asked. 

Incapable of stowing the anxiousness in her voice, Billion pulled away from the glass pane and strolled over to her. Dabbing on a strained smile, he took her hand gently in his and led her to the couch. 

Unconsciously, Emery's gaze flickered over to the digital clock set on the bed stand. She still had an hour and a half to get to work.

"You remember I had to speak to my brother last night, right?" Emery nodded. Billion sighed and said, "My mom had a call during the party from my father's Butler..."

"Your father's Butler? You mean he doesn't live..." not trying to seem nosy, she ended the questioning there. 

"Well he did, before I completed my masters and he found out that I wasn't going to follow in the steps of Ashton, and become the next to take care of our family business outside the country. He had no other choice but to move to Milan and manage his own damn business."

"Oh... that is..." out of words, Emery said, "So, what's wrong?"

Billion ran his hands through his hair, over and over again, in an attempt to ease the silent war waging from within.

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