Chapter 41

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The trip to the emergency room was frightening and overwhelming for Emery as the people around her spoke out of turn

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The trip to the emergency room was frightening and overwhelming for Emery as the people around her spoke out of turn.

"You will be alright, Em just stay calm," Christopher assured as he held onto his sister's hand.

"I'm sorry sir but you can't go any further."

One of the nurses stopped Christopher at the door while Emery's gurney was pushed into the emergency room.

Regardless of the bustle of orders ringing in from the four corners of the overly bright room, Emery's subconscious mind brought him to life.

"We can do this, Em. I know we can."

It was as if he was right by her side, keeping her company and giving her the strength to carry on. Vividly, Emery felt him—the feel of his soft touch and how those expressive sapphires would regard her intensely yet affectionately.

All the times spent in the Bahamas came to life right then. There was the site seeing times when they would bicker over who pays for what and take absurd pictures at every tourist site.

Seemingly, all their begrudging moments played in Emery's mind's eye; when he would tease and annoy her over petty things, and the times when she would pin for him while he leaves with his so-called crush.

Not to withhold the heartwarming moments when he would come back to apologize and be all caring and gentle with her.

There was also the toe-curling first kiss; a kiss which had left her breathless and needy for days. Even back then, unwilling as Emery was to accept the hard truth, her heart knew better, and she could not have loved him any less.

So for the first time, she had dared to live a fantasy and give her all to a man; body, mind and soul.

And now as she laid numb on a hospital bed, vaguely aware of her surroundings, it was the memorable times spent with Billion Miles Dekker which kept Emery from slipping into an indefinite deep slumber.

Nonetheless, he had broken his vows.

"I can't do this anymore."

And due to his faintheartedness, he had acrimoniously jilted her as if what they had was nothing but a casual fling; one which was void of spine-tingling sparks, inextinguishable burning passion and unconditional love.

"I'm going to accept the fact that we were never meant to be."


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