Chapter 1

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I've had this in the back of my mind, since I've gotten the game on Saturday last week. and I'm nearly at the end of the game too. This is a reaction story, so I may or may not include to use the game storyline too.

"Normal talk"
'Normal thinking'
"Movie talk"


"Lead our Champions, Princess. And together, protect our kingdom from the treat of Calamity Ganon." King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule announced, as the guess all cheered for their Champions and Princess as the sounds of fireworks went off outside of the castle.

The celebration lasted for about an hourer when the Princess and the Champions wanted to take a break out side in one of the castle's gardens, but before they could leave they were confrounted by a hooded figure at the door. Who makes it's way to the King, as the person pass them Link couldn't help but to feel on edge with the hooded figure. There is something off about that person, and it's send out strong waves powerful magic. Power that could be either good or evil.

The mysterious person spoke "Do you really believe what you are doing is the correct way to defeat Ganon?" Everything stop, The music. The talking. Even the breathing in the room. As all eyes were fixed at their King, who's face is turning red with anger. "How dare you speak to me at that tone! Of course this is our best way to defeat Calamity Ganon! What gave you this preposterous idea, woman!?" he demanded.

The mysterious woman calmly replies "It's not that I do not have hope that Princess Zelda, Link and the other Champions will succeed, I'm only cautious about rather this plan of yours is the only best way to fight agents Ganon."

Revali snooted at her answer "Well that's quite ignorant for her to even think that ridiculous thought." he mutters thinking that she couldn't even hear him, but oh how wrong of him. She heard every world leaving his beak, and she's not happy about his opinion on her. Urbosa squinted her eyes at her suspiciously "She knows something." Everyone turns to her. Then back at the hooded woman, who only grinned mischievously.

"I demand that you will tell me everything what you know!" The King boomed his voice at her, who then turns her head away from him "I was going to, but with the way you ask of me to spill all of my knowledge to you and only you. I think I'll just skip telling you and anyone else who is rude to me, if you would've ask politely then I would. I mean it's completely disrespect to rudely back talk to a daughter of a powerful god." she says.

The halls gone quiet again, so quiet that you can hear a pin drop to the floor. Immediately, everyone bow their heads in respect and apologies to her. Even King Rhoam and Revali admits their apologies with dignity.

The Daughter of a god seems to be glad at their apologies and said "Now that's out of the way, I can now explain my reasons for coming here. I have seen what the future is to be, and I have come here to show you, Link, Zelda and the Champion's fates."

Their eyes widen in surprise. "You can actually do that?!" Mipha ask "Yes. it's one of my many specialties." She nodded her head. Ravali steps up a little forward "Can you really show us proof, Ms... not to be disrespectful to you though, but is your name?"

The woman remove her hood giving everyone a clear view of what she looks like. She has long blue sapphire hair and light blue eyes with a heart like shape face. Lightly pink lips and a mid sized nose. "You may call me Aquarius." with a wave of her hand, she made fog like cloud in the air above the main doors, as it began to form an image.

The Champions were gather outside in one of the gardens in the castle talking to among themselves. Daruk moves his shoulders and cracks his neck in relief, as he talks to Link.
"I tell ya, those formal shindigs take it outta of me." Said Daruk.

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