Chapter 12

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Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your winter festivities this year and the snow, I just wish there was more snow here where I am. It's cold but there's not enough of snow fall. 



The next vision was of a dark cloudy and rainy day, underneath a lone big tree and two old sacred rock statues under a little shelter of stone slabs. Sitting underneath the tree's branches is Princess Zelda trying to keep dry and watching her knight practice his swordplay in the rain. She looks up to the sky and mumbles to herself "I doubt this will let up anytime soon..."

"Talk about bad travel weather." Some of the guards talk amongst themselves, hating to be in that kind of weather.

Link brought the master sword close his left side of his chest thrust forward into a stabbing strike, Zelda then spoke clearly "You path seems to mirror your father's. You've dedicated yourself to becoming a knight, as well."

Johnathan smiles proudly at his son, recalling the days seeing him achieving his goals. After all of the difficult training and harsh words he had heard from the other knights in training, Link still never gave up and didn't let those words get to him.

Even though Link is focusing on his strikes he never let go of his hearing Zelda's kind words, "Your commitment to the training necessary to fulfill your goals is really quite admirable." Link let out a calming relaxing breath holding the sword in front of his in both hands, as he turns to Zelda who smiles fondly to him "I see now why you would be the chosen one."

Zelda was smiling with her counterpart on the fog, glad to know that she can rely on Link for support on their journey.

While Link was touched by Zelda's comments, but mostly he was even more happy to see just how close they are getting together in there partnership.

But then, Zelda's kind loving expression turns into uncertainly worry as she looks away "What if... One day..." Link turns around and faces what the princess has to question "You realize that you just weren't meant to be a fighter."

King Rhoam eyed his future daughter then turn to his present one standing next to her Knight. 'Just what are you thinking, Zelda?' he thought bitterly.

"Yet the only thing people every said... was that you were born into a family of the royal guard, and so no matter what you thought, you had to become a knight." Zelda spoke so quickly making it hard for anyone to understand what she was saying, but Link kept his gaze at her in full understanding. 

Some of the guards and maids can understand what the Princess is trying to say, and they feel absolute sadden for their Princess's struggles to please her father.

Just as his father recalled his son's days in training to become a knight, Link too remembers those days, most of them were good ones and some weren't so good. Even when there was a time he just wanted to stop and end his goals, Link realized that if he did he would be admitting defeat and lower himself to those jerks who use to bullied him.

He was never going to stoop down to their leave, he was gonna survive. That was his thought he kept with him throughout his seven years of training.

"If that was the only thing you were ever told..." the image changed showing the two Hylians sitting/standing across from one another with the sunlight seeping in between the clouds, with the Princess's final words was spoken as the vision starts to fade away. "I wound, then... would you have chosen a different path?"

Link thought for a moment before turning towards Zelda and spoke silently only to her to hear "There were times that I wanted to give up my goals on becoming I knight, but I realized, if I was going to give up on my goals and what I enjoy in my life. I would be lowering myself to those who have treated me like dirt." 

Zelda could only stare in awe and amazement at her appointed knight, as he said "Even if I couldn't become a knight, I would still find away to have what it takes to be a swordsman for Hyrule."

His words spoke encouragement to Zelda's heart. The feelings overwhelmed her so, tears threaten to leak out of her eyes. 

"You are indeed the chosen one, Link. Your courage is strong and it will never be forgotten." Said Zelda, as she places bother of her hands onto her chest above her heart. "I'll keep your words close to my heart. For now and forever."


I've watched Top 10 Inspirational Quotes from Anime and I was thinking to put an inspirational quote in this chapter for Zelda to hear to give the strength to unlock her power and to be a better person than she is.

I also wanted to help inspire you guys if you are feeling down and put in a dark corner, I want to help you and to let you know that things can get better no matter how bad they are, there is someone who can help you to get through the toughest things that life has to offer.

I hope your days will be full of light, because you have the light in your soul.

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