Chapter 15

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I am so sorry for the long wait, I had finals and now it's summer break and I got a job for this summer. Don't worry I've been working on the other chapters yesterday so that I can get a few more new chapters done. And congratulation on making it this far into the story. and that this is almost finish. 

See ya later.

"Movie Talk"


King Rhoam was furious at his daughter, how dare she spoke blasphemy towards our goddess. 'I would have banished her out of Hyrule for saying such disrespect! But I need her, our Kingdom needs her.'

Before King Rhoam could decide on give his daughter a good scolding, Aquarius started the next vision.

The Vision in the clouded fog shows Princess Zelda and her appointed Knight Link riding their horses around the east side of Akkala Highlands, Zelda is riding a pure white horse with a French braid, while Link is riding his dark brown fur black mane horse. And with the sun starting to set. "'Be sure to take the time to soothe your mount... That's the only way it will know how you truly feel'." said Zelda as she leans forward and pets her new horse.

Many knights in the castle were intrigued with Princess Zelda's words of wisdom, perhaps they should try soothing their horses more often.

Johnathan felt joy in his heart, it would have seem that his son has offer his advice to the princess. And that the two of them are getting along quite well, a lot well.

Zelda turns attention to Link and said "Your advice was quite helpful-thank you." Link turns his gaze to her "This little one and I are getting along quite well now." The scene changes to a closer look at Zelda's white horse wearing the royal riding gear. "At first, I wasn't quite sure if I should outfit him with all of the royal gear. I thought maybe he should earn it first." Zelda smiles happily and says "But it works! He wears it like a true natural." She turns her attention back at Link with a smile, "I'm trying to be a bit more empathetic. Benefit of the doubt, you know?" and the two turn their attention ahead of them.

'With the sun setting and with the Princess and her Knight moseying their horses up to Sanidin park, it would make the scene look like they are on a date.' Urbosa, Purah and a few of the guards and maids thought simultaneously.

Zelda also thought the same thing I'm just been looking at her and Link on their horses together made her cheeks turn rosy, 'I'm I really falling in love with my appointed knight? Wait. MY knight? Where did that come from?!'

Link was also admiring the vision he is seeing, feeling the heat rushing to his face 'Have I broken my oath? Am I falling in love with my Zelda? Wait. MY Zelda?!'

Aquarius smirked 'Yes. I knew they'll fall in love soon.'

As the image of the statue horse is being pulled back, the vision is showing Link and Zelda walking over towards the small railing while their horses are drinking water from the fountain. From Links prospective he can see the silhouette of Zelda with the sun setting and mountains far away in the background. Zelda spoke, "See that mountain? That's Mt. Lanyaru. It takes it's name from the Goddess of Wisdom."

Urbosa "So it has come to the 'That' spring then."

Daruk "Do you think that will be the one to unlock the Princess's power?"

Revali "Of course it is, why should you ask such a question when we all know the answer."

Mipha "Don't be so mean, we don't know for sure."

The scene change to Zelda with where half of her face is being shown and Link standing a few feet away behind her. "Lanyaru's decree is very specific. It says: 'No one is allowed under the age of seventeen..." Change to a birds point of view, looking down at the two Hylians with their shadows growing longer as the day starts to become night. "For only the wise are permitted a place upon the mountain'."

"The final of the three Spring of the Goddesses." "It has come down to this then." "I think this is the one Princess Zelda will finally unlock her hidden power." hush whispers filled the sanctum, so much weight is weighing down on this 'final' hope.

Link sees the look on Zelda's face and calmly holds her hand "Don't listen to what they have to say, just focus on the now." 'I guess I really am in love with Zelda.'

Zelda look into Link's eyes and see that he means it, every word. 'I guess I  really am in love with Link.'

"It's true, those guys are thinking way ahead of themselves. You can't jump across a 200 meter wide river and expect to make it with no injuries." said Aquarius to Zelda, as she eyed the people who were whispering making them feel small and embarrass. Zelda couldn't help but smile at how funny the guards and maids had landed themselves in.

The image then changes to the right side of Zelda as she list off of the Springs' names "I've prayed at the Spring of Courage and at the Spring of Power, yet neither awoke anything inside me." Lifting her head up just a little bit with hope in her voice, "But maybe up there... Perhaps  the Spring of Wisdom, the final of the three, will be the one."

The scene changes to Link's and Zelda's full body length silhouettes, as Zelda brought her hands over to her heart as she spoke. "To be honest, I have no real reason to think that will be the case. But there's always a chance that the next moment will change everything."

The Scene show the backside of Zelda's upper half of her body, indicating that it's Link's point of view, "Tomorrow... is my seventeenth birthday." She turns around with sad eyes as she faces Link, "So then I shall go... and make my way up the mountain." The image starts to fade leaving only Zelda's eyes becoming very determine then ever before.

King Rhoam spoke "So it's only just two years into the future." he then thought long and hard praying that his daughter will finally awaken her power.

Aquarius turns and look over to the people who are present in the room "Now before I begin the next vision I want everyone to know that there are only four left, and I'm some what thinking adding one more or not. And finally no matter what happens, do not blame anyone. No one is to be blamed." 'maybe except for King Rhoam, but who cares.'

As Aquarius finished her announcement everyone was left puzzled by what she means did something terrible happened in the future? did the princess die? or the Ganon took over the entire Kingdom in the world?

Only time will tell.

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