Chapter 4

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“The Heart of a Wildflower”

Copyright 2013 All Rights Reserved

Chapter 4


Elizabeth woke up the next morning and after she showered and dressed she found herself staring out the window. The early morning sun was just beginning it’s rise over the horizon when she lifted her face to bask in the heat as it caressed her face.

She found herself smiling until a rush of yesterday’s memories suddenly came crashing down on her like a load of bricks. First, she had the day from hell at work and the flat tire and the whole irritating debacle at the garage. And then to top it all off, her unforgettable run-in with Zeb-freaking-Crooker of all people.

The man may have looked like he had grown up over the years that he was gone but he surely didn’t act like it. He proved himself to be the same damn arrogant player that he was six years ago. When he saw Elizabeth, he acted like she should have just fallen at his feet and blessed the ground that he walked on.

Yeah right! Hell would freeze over and pigs would fly before Elizabeth would ever give him one-tenth of the attention he was so obviously looking for. She wouldn’t bless his lily white ass if it was on fire.

Irritated all over again, Elizabeth turned away from the window and pushed back the rowdy curls that fell haphazardly across her face. She kept telling herself that she was going  to cut the mop so that it would be more manageable but she hadn’t yet gotten up the guts to go through with it.  If she was being honest with herself, she didn’t know if she ever would.  Her mom made it a habit of remarking how she loved her daughter’s natural curl and how it was a very becoming style on her. After everything that Elizabeth had done in the past, she wasn’t sure she could bear to hand her mother another disappointment in her lifetime.

Letting out a heavy breath, Elizabeth made her way to the bathroom so she could brush her teeth. She had just finished rinsing out her mouth when she heard her cell phone ringing in the bedroom. Frowning, she glanced at her watch and saw that it was only a few minutes after eight. She couldn’t help but wonder who would be calling her this early in the morning on a non-working day.

Jogging back to her bedroom, she rescued her phone from her purse and without checking the caller ID, she flipped it open.


“And Good morning to you too.”

Elizabeth’s lips quirked up at the corners as she glanced down at her watch. “Missy, has the world come to an end or something?”

“Well no,” her best friend drawled. “Why would you ask me something like that?”

Elizabeth chuckled on the other end of the line. “Could it be because it’s not yet noon and you’re calling me. I didn’t think Missy Robinson interrupted her beauty sleep for anyone.”

“Yeah, you have a point there. Normally I wouldn’t be up with the roosters but last night I heard a fascinating bit of information.”

Elizabeth already had a pretty good idea of what this fascinating piece of information was or rather who it was about.    “Pray tell,” she replied lacking some serious enthusiasm.

“Guess whose back?” she sang.

Yep, she was right. The news was already spreading. Elizabeth slapped her hand over her forehead and groaned.

“You wouldn’t happen to be referring to Mr. I’m-so-perfect-that-everyone-bows-to-me, now would you?” Her off-handed comment dripped with all kinds of sarcasm.

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