Chapter 23

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“The Heart of A Wildflower”

2013 Copyright All Rights Reserved

Elizabeth and Missy walked out of the mall, their arms filled with packages and bags of new things they bought for Brandon’s room. Elizabeth was still heavily shaken from the unexpected kiss that Chris had laid on her and blindly made her way through the parking lot. She wasn’t all that sure how she should react or exactly what she should say about the entire situation.

The one thing that she was certain of was that she definitely needed to have a “come to Jesus” meeting with Christopher and set him straight on where her feelings truly laid- with Zeb.

That much at least was a given.

Her problem was whether or not she should share any of this with Zeb. She remembered all too well his superior alpha male attitude when Christopher stopped by her house the other night.

They had almost came to blows that evening; and if it came down to that again, which she had no doubts in her mind would happen once Zeb found out what he'd done, she knew what would happen. Christopher didn’t stand a chance.

She nervously nibbled on her bottom lip. The more she thought about it, the more she thought that this little situation might be best handled with the utmost discretion; otherwise her friend just might not survive.

As they approached the car, Elizabeth’s eyes rested on the gorgeous man that had the innate ability to make her heart beat wildly out of rhythm every time that she came near him.

Zeb lazily leaned up against the door of her small car, looking every inch the experienced military man that he was. His strong, muscled arms crossed over his broad chest and he was watching her with a glint in his eyes that held a secret promise; a promise of all the delicious things that he could do to her body when they were locked privately behind closed doors.

“Wow,” Missy said, fanning herself. “I don’t think I will ever get used to seeing all that testosterone packaged up in such a perfect body.”

A small chuckle escaped Elizabeth’s lips as she leaned into her friend and playfully nudged her off balance. “Hey, that just so happens to be my man that you’re over there drooling over,” she teased.

“I know that and he is a man with a body shaped like a Greek God. I’m only a mere woman, Lizzie. I can appreciate one of mankind’s true masterpieces and keep my hands to myself at the same time. Besides, I’m no fool. It’s obvious that he only has eyes for you.”

Elizabeth smiled. “He is gorgeous, isn’t he?” she replied, unable to hide the sense of pride welling up within her.

“Gorgeous? Are you kidding me, he is freaking smoking, Lizzie. Anybody with eyes can see that. Do me a favor and find out if he has any single friends?”

“I will do no such thing,” Elizabeth scoffed.

“Aw, come on… throw me a bone or something. Help a needy woman out.”

Elizabeth looked Missy over. She was beautiful. She didn’t need any help whatsoever. She had a gaggle of men just waiting for her to agree to take her out. “The last thing that you need is any help from me.”

Missy rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right.”

They finally reached the car. “Ladies?” Zeb greeted the two of them with a polite nod.

Stopping in front of him, they both erupted in a round of feminine laughter.

“Zeb, it’s nice to see you again,” Missy managed to stammer out in between giggles.

The Wildflower (Completed) (Southern Nights)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin