Chapter 28

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“The Heart of a Wildflower”

2013 Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Chapter 28   


Elizabeth tugged at the ropes one more time and groaned.  It was useless.  She wasn’t going anywhere. Her wrists had been rubbed raw and were now bleeding because of all of her efforts to pull them free over the last few hours.

She had a bad feeling that the crazy bastard was going to be back soon and she was frustrated because she didn’t know what she was going to do to get herself out of this mess.  All she was sure of was that she wouldn’t let him take her baby.  He was going to have to kill her first.

A tinkering at the door caused Elizabeth to still her frantic movements.  She forced herself to calm down and listened to the key as it opened the latch.  Her entire body filled with tension knowing that Dr. Mayberry was getting ready to walk through that door.

She held her breath as the door opened.

Dr. Mayberry walked in wearing his usual white coat and carried his clipboard in his hand.

Elizabeth glanced in his direction and scowled.  How could she have been so stupid to not see this man for the monster that he really was?

“How’s my good girl this morning?” he asked her, striding towards the bed.

She watched the man, studied his wrinkled features.  There was nothing different about him.  To the average person he looked like your normal grandfather, doctor or whoever or whatever he wanted you to believe that he was. 

She tried to tell herself that this was the same man that stood by her side, guiding her through all of her bad moments in life.   And then she remembered her predicament.  She was tied to a bed and this man wanted to kill her baby.  How could I have been so stupid?

Looks proved to be a mere deception of the eyes.  This man was no more innocent of his crimes than Charles Manson had been of his.

She wouldn’t answer any of his questions.  She didn’t care if he slapped her again.  She refused to acknowledge him.

Elizabeth turned her head in the opposite direction.  She didn’t even want to look at him any longer.  As far as she was concerned Dr. Mayberry could rot in hell for all that she cared.

“Lizzie,” he gently coaxed, “I need you to look at me, dear.”

His voice was amazingly calm but Elizabeth heard the underlying threat that it carried.

He could threaten her all day long, she didn’t care.  There was nothing that he could do to her that would be worse than what he had already done. She was tied to a bed, her eye was probably blackened she could still feel the swelling in her lip from where he slapped her the day before.

He could try, but she wouldn’t let him break her spirit.

“Elizabeth, Elizabeth,” he tisked.  “Now you’re being a naughty girl.  Please don’t force my hand and make me have to punish you again.”

She stood firm, keeping her head facing the left wall.  She would not give him the satisfaction of thinking that he had power over her because he didn’t.  Yes, he held her physically captive but her soul was free and as long as she had breath in her body, she would fight him.

“Argh!” Elizabeth screamed out in pain.

Dr. Mayberry roughly gripped her head by a fistful of hair and jerked her face around, forcing her to look at him.  Her scalp stung but she bit her bottom lip to keep from screaming out again.

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