Chapter 22

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The Heart of a Wildflower”

2013 Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Chapter 22

Hey, what about this one?” Elizabeth put down the teddy bear pillow she was holding and turned around. Missy was standing there holding up a dark blue quilt covered with miniature red fire engines.

All afternoon, she and Missy went into store after store looking for the perfect comforter set for Brandon’s new room. The problem was she didn’t realize that there were so many different designs and patterns to choose from. She wanted to get him something that he would like but that only led to her other problem–she didn’t have a clue as to what he would like.

Discouraged, she flattened her lips and shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, Missy,” she was beginning to feel defeated at this point.

She walked over to another quilt that was displayed beside the fire truck one. This one had all kinds of dump trucks in all sorts of shapes and sizes. “All little boys like trucks, right?” she murmured the question to herself and dropped the blanket. After taking two steps down the aisle she spotted a sports themed blanket in deep red and blue hues. It was colorful, bold and one hundred percent all little boy.

Frustrated because she couldn’t make a decision she dropped that blanket too and turned away from the display altogether. Digging into her purse she grabbed a ponytail holder and pulled back her thick mane of unruly curls. She slapped the ponytail holder around them and folded her hands around her middle. What kind of mother was she going to be if she couldn’t even make a decision about the proper bedding for her son? How could she be entrusted with raising a little boy if she couldn’t even make a simple decision between trucks or sports? Before she knew what was happening her eyes filled with unshed tears.

Missy had gone on to look at matching curtains, oblivious to Elizabeth’s inner turmoil. She picked up a dark blue valence that would go perfect with the sports themed comforter she saw Elizabeth eying and moved to show it to her.

When she approached Elizabeth, she first noticed her quivering shoulders, and then saw the shimmering tears in her eyes. Missy dropped the valence instantly and walked over to her, placing her arm around her shoulder. “Darling, what in the devil's name is wrong with you? Was it the fire trucks? Did I push them too hard on you?”

Elizabeth quickly wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand and worked to bring herself back under control. “To be honest with you, I don’t know what my problem is these days. I am a freaking weepy mess,” she sniffed. “Not to mention that I’m tired all the time and I can’t seem to make an executive decision for shit. What kind of mother am I going to be if I can’t even decide on bedding? What about when he goes to college? How am I suppose to help him make those all important life decisions if I can’t even make one as simple as this? ”

“College? Did you really just say college? Your biggest decisions right now should revolve around bedtimes or whether or not the child wants white milk or chocolate milk to drink. College is years from now, darling.” Missy laughed and Elizabeth couldn't help but laugh right along with her. When she put it like that, Elizabeth had to concede that she had a point.

When the laughter died Missy sobered up some. “Admit it, your life is changing, Liz. All of a sudden you’re a mother again. Without any pretenses whatsoever you’re trying to bring him into you home. Then you also have a helluva man that has proven to you that he will do whatever it takes to stand by your side. And may I add that he is a very sexy man at that,” she waggled her eyebrows which coaxed another smile from Elizabeth. “Who wouldn’t be scared with their whole life changing right in front of their eyes?”

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