♦️ Chapter 34 || It's Never Too Cold For Ice Cream ♦️

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Chapter 34 || It's Never Too Cold For Ice Cream


* * Nicole's POV * *

"Welcome to Backdoor Boxing!" A woman in her late twenties said as we walked through the doors.

I looked around this place was boxing heaven! Punching bags and trainers everywhere.

"I'm Marna, is this your first visit with us? Would you like to here our membership options?" She said.

We walked toward the desk, "I actually talked to Landon over the phone. We are here today and tomorrow for his class."

"Of course! I have your papers right here." She said while she pulling up a few papers, "Just sign here and you will be all set."

"What is this for?" I ask.

She turns to look at me, "This form is to let us know that you two are here for free over the weekend. In case you ever come back we have it on file."

I take the paper, skimming it to make sure it's legit before signing.

Once we sign she takes the papers, "Do you need to borrow any gloves or wraps?"

"Yeah, I do," Jake says.

She turns to me, "And you?"

"Nope, I'm good," I say as I hold up my gloves, the ones that Jake bought me for Christmas. Jake smiles at me and I smile back.

"The bathrooms are over there by the water fountain and Landon's class will start in a few minutes in the room down the hall to the right," Marna says after handing Jake a pair of gloves and wraps.

"Thank you," We says simultaneously.

"Any time," She replies with a smile.

I follow Jake down the hall to where the boxing class will be. As we walk I look around, I see to be the only girl beside Marna here.

We enter the room where Marna told us the class would be and find several other people waiting. I look around and low and behold I am the only girl. Most of the guys look to be in high school, some look to be in there twenties and thirties, and a few guys are much much older.

Every guy, supposedly in high school, looks at me. Some guys laugh and some guys eyeball me up and down.

Jake glares at them all and shouts in low menacing tone, "Eyes to yourself!"

They all jump, completely shocked, and turn away. However, that doesn't stop them from talking about me but it didn't bother me anyway.

Jake holds out the wraps and with a sheepish look says, "A little help?"

I laugh as I take the wraps and wrap his hand, teaching him in the process.

"There you go," I say as I let go of his hands and start to wrap mine.

"Who's ready to box?" A man shouts excitedly as he enters the room.

Everyone replies in an equally energetic tone, "Yeah!"

He notices Jake and immediately walks over to us with a smile, "You must be Jake! I am Landon."

"Nice to meet you," Jake says as they shake hands and Landon responses with, "Such a strong grip. You'll have fun in today's class."

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