2. Are You Gay?

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I looked forward to lunch every day as a chance to catch up with my friends, not as a chance to fill my stomach. That might be because our cafeteria generally only sold carb rich foods, or what I liked to call 'stodge'.

Today was a good day though, because they had chicken nuggets and curly fries!!

I was slowly making my way through my fries, having a debate with Max about the fact, yes fact, that sparkling water tastes salty, when I suddenly became aware of someone hovering at our table.

I looked up to see Robin stood there with his tray of food.

"Can I sit with you guys today?" he asked.

Robin had never asked us that before. He usually just plonked himself right down and butted straight in on our conversation.

If you didn't know him, he would look perfectly normal asking that question. He didn't look particularly stressed or sad, but I could tell that something was wrong. Because he wasn't smiling. And his eyes weren't sparking. And he hadn't said my name once, or done our lame ass handshake, or ruffled my hair.

"Of course," Max said, and I nodded in agreement, cursing myself for not responding quicker.

The table was silent for a few moments as Robin settled down to eat his food.

I knew I had to say something. The air was filled with a tension that I couldn't stand.

"I know it's bullshit you know," I said, making Robin freeze with his fork halfway to his lips. "I just thought you should know, I know it's not true."

Robin put down his fork and just stared at me for a few seconds. I couldn't read his expression and it unnerved me a little.

"What's not true?" he asked.

I felt my heart speed up and small beads of sweat start to gather in my palms.

Did he not know? No, he must know. He was definitely not acting like himself so he must have heard.

"You know," I said hesitantly, "about the picture that's going round."

"You mean the picture of me and Bradley? Yes, that is me."

"Yeah, I know it's you, but it's what they're saying, you know, because you're with Bradley and the fact he's gay, and well, so they're saying you must be gay too."

He just raised his eyebrows a little, and in my nervous state I just carried on rambling.

"It's stupid really, I mean, just cause you're stood with him means nothing. But people are so stupid and wanting any piece of gossip that they just put 2 and 2 together and come up with fif-fucking-teen. I mean, just cause you were with him, doesn't mean you caught the gay does it?" And I ended with a little snort of derision.

I looked up at Robin and his emerald eyes immediately fixed on my blue ones.

I expected him to look happy. Or maybe at least relieved to know that I didn't believe the rumours, but instead he looked....well he looked hurt and angry. With maybe a little bit of disappointment thrown in.

I felt myself start to shrink back under his gaze.

Eventually he broke eye contact and he stood up slowly.

"You know, I'm actually not that hungry so I think I'm just going to get a head start on my homework in the library," and with that he turned his back on me and walked out of the cafeteria.

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