Part 17!

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Hey all! So, sorry for the wait, I'm trying, I really am!

Hope you like this chapter, thanks for the votes,comments, and fans!


The sun had already melted through my body, making me happy enough. I decided to walk over to Chases, mostly as an excuse for a ride home, if I need it. Slowly, I made my way over. I got an uneasy feeling as I approached his street, but ignored it. It'll be akward, but it needs to happen. And he'll understand. I know he will. He'll do it, for me.

I got to the steps for his house and practically jumped up. Lazily I rapped the door 4 short times.

The wait wasn't long, and eventually a little girl answered. I remembered her evil glares well. "Is your brother home?" I smile widely at her. She gives me a wicked glare and opens the door wider. I walk past her quickly and start to shout. "CHASE! CHASE, IT'S MCKENNA!"

I hear the stomping of feet above me and run over to the staircase, expecting Chase.

Instead, I see a half dressed Kendra.


"Hi here, McKenna!" A cheerful Kendra says, swaying her hips as she walks down the steps.

I gulp down the vomit, the hurt, and everything to respond. "You know, the usual." My voice cracks. She walks right by me and saunters out the door.

"Be back later, Chasey!" She yells as she slams the screen.

I feel sick. It's my fault, of course. I should have listened. But I'm a bit of a retard, apparently. I'm still seeing red when I hear someone on the steps. The intake of breath, and rushed steps. I don't look up. I need to leave, before I do something stupid, like cry.

"McKenna, what are you doing here?" That familiar voice asks.

"Oh... uhm, nothing. Sorry to interrupt you and, Kendra." My voice cracks and the tears slip from my grasp. "Well, bye." I rush for the door. Unfortuneatly, trying to hide tears and run for the door don't mix well. I smash my head on some wooden thing next to the door. I let out a sharp yell of pain, and start to sway. The rooms moving slightly and I need to stop moving.

"McKenna, don't move. Hold on..." Chase's voice moves closer to me and wraps me up into his arm. He carries me to the living room, lays me on the couch, and disapeers for a second. He returns with a blanket and some water. "Here." His voice is detached, no emotion flowing through it.

"Thanks." I say simply and begin sipping.

"Are you gonna tell me how the hell you got here?" He asks. I sigh.

"It doesn't matter anymore, Chase." I realize I haven't looked up at him. I know that my tears are most likely still there, so I fix my eyes on my water. The little bubbles are spurting through when a tear falls into it.

"Talk." He instructs.

"No, I should go... I think Kendras waiting for you." I start to get up.

"Don't pull that on me, McKenna!" The anger in his voice causes me to flinch.

My own anger bubbles to the surface, so I bark out. "Yeah, glad to see you care SO much about me, Chase. Bullshit, you always had Kendra on reserve. Your little whore. So, I won't interrupt anymore. Have fun with her!"

This time Chase flinches. "McKenna..."

"Save it, Chase. It's fine. Your single, I'm single. It's okay."

"Just tell me why your here, then."

I stay quiet.

Slowly, Chase lifts my chin to look me in the eyes. "You came all the way here to not talk? McKenna." He makes a tsk sound and my lips pull up a little bit. Not alot, not enough, but the do.

This all started with a parkingspace, I'm not supposed to fall in love!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora