Part 24

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Guys, guys, guys.

Let's get about 1000 things straight here.

1. I never said that Mike and McKenna were together.

2. Chase isn't gone, he's in Cali, while McKenna's in Penslyvania.

3. I wrote that chapter differently, maybe I'll rewrite it.

4. There isn't supposed to be a whole lot on the wedding, because it isn't about our main characters.


6. To all the people who seem to think I created a new character, (Mike), you need to go back and reread this story. He shows up in I think 11.

7. I've extended the length of the book. Shooting for 30 parts? Yes no?

Okay, so, I decided to write a new part, since you were all lost...(:

And, I made a facebook PAGE for me, so we can all talk on there, so much faster. Here's the link;

Okay, here go.

---------------THIS ALL STARTED WITH A PARKINGSPACE, IM NOT SUPPOSED TO FALL IN LOVE!------------------------------

Mike holds out his hand so I can grab on and head for the dancefloor. "Cause now I've chocolate, and I'm NEVER goin' back!" I sing, earning laughs from the people around me. Psht, they can jump off a bridge.

"So, McKenna, how did everything work out with you and Chase?" Mike asks, catching me off guard. It's been a few weeks, well, 8, since I even thought about everything that happened. I look around the reception hall, it's at the Dwight Manison, a little restaruant. Floor to ceiling windows give off alot of light, so we turned off the big lights and lit candles. It just gives a romantic feel. I shudder a little and then look over at Annabelle, who's dancing with Tyler. They look so happy, and I'm glad there together. I turn back to Mike and sigh.

"It's... nothing. Nothing is happening." I don't want to explain, because, he doesn't need to know.

"Ahh, you little liar. Something happened! I was talking to him yesterday and he says you haven't answered your phone for weeks."

God, what a tattletale. I roll my eyes, "And it's any business of yours?" I'm missing my song, over Chase. Gah.

"TRACY IM IN LOVE WITH YOU NO MATTER WHAT YOU WEIGH!" Some people to my left are singing. My kind of people.

"Yes, because you've been wierd lately. And it's tweaking out the already over-hormonal Annabelle." Mike, what a flamer. Why couldn't he be like, 'Cause, I love you?' I don't know, something to boost my self confidence. Naw, I get the, 'Your wierd'. What a sweetie.

Wait, I take it back, I wouldn't want Mike to say he loved me... That'd be wierd. Mike isn't the... dating type. Well, I guess he is, but he's not my type. Again, I roll my eyes, "Well, I'm fine. Chase and I are not together. Okay?"

"Psht, PMSing much?" Mike just laughs, "Alright. Sorry to pry, McKenna. But, I don't like seeing you upset. Okay?" He mimics my 'okay?'

What a wiener.

The songs over, which is depressing. My wedding will be Hairspray themed. I'll get the giant arisal cans that Tracy hitches a ride in to get into the pagent at the end of the movie. "Hey Mike, did you request this song?"


"How'd you know I liked Hairspray?" Hmm, that's a tad creepy to think about. Because I'm sure I don't go around telling people my favorite movie without them asking.

"Chase told me, duh." Mike answers. Oh my god, whats with guys in Penslyvania saying duh? They're all little flamin' hot cheetos. (A/N, I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH GAYS.)

"That's wierd." I chuckle and break away from Mike. A slow song is on, so I just head back for the table. I hadn't heard Mike follow me, but I sat down and he did, too.

"Not really. By the way, he wants you to call him." And he takes a sip of a kiddy cocktail. MY kiddy cocktail.

"Hey hoe, that's mine. And why are you being a delivery boy for Chase? Gah, nevermind." I shake my head and grab my kiddy cocktail back. The nerve of some people.

"That's yours? That was grody!" He makes a show of licking his suit to get the taste out of his mouth. Hardy Har Har. And, grody? Really? This kid needs to grow a pair. Lovingly, of course.

"Excuse me, kiddy cocktails are the most amazing drink ever. So, shove it." I take a swig of it, letting the cherry juice and mountain dew mix in my mouth. Mike gives me a disgusting look. I grab my phone and turn it on. My message box is full of texts from Alison and Chase. The ones from Chase make me want to punch a baby. They say things like, 'I'm ready to forgive you', and 'I understand you don't love him like you do me...' . Well. I don't love either of you, sir.

I adress a new text to him and write. "I'll call you after the wedding." Short, simple,to the point. I shut the phone and look up to see Alison. She's smiling, which takes years off her appearance. She can't be over 23.

"Hi there, Mike." Her eyes flutter and I laugh.

"Hey, good looking." Mike smiles at her and I get the feeling I'm not wanted there. I grab my kiddy cocktail and leave, but not without a knowing smile I give both of them.

It's almost 11:30, so I think it'd be fine to leave now. I w

alk over towards Annabelle, but see Tyler first. "Hey Tyler, I'm leaving, okay?" I don't really like talking to him, cause, well, he at one time, thought we slept together. And, he's just wierd. But, all Pennys are. He nods and walks over to the bar. Of course they should call it a soft drink station, cause there isnt any alcohol. Ah, well.

Next, I walk on to Annabelle, who's smiling away at her friend Tricia. I met her and she seems like the kind of girl who would sell embarrasing stories about you to a rag mag, if you were famous. "Annabelle, I'm taking off, see you." I half hug her, but I don't let Tricia see my back, you know, she could easily stab it.

I step out into the warm air, ready to hop in my car and go. But the one voice I hadn't expected to hear, stops me like light stops termites.

"Hey, Micky."


Oh lala, I love cliffys! What does everyone think? Like it? NO MATTER WHAT I CAN SEEM TO WRITE MORE THAN A PAGE A A TIME, EVEN IF ON WORD ITS 4 PAGES, LIKE THIS ONE. GRRRRR:/

Anywhoo, join in on the facebook fun, the links up at the top(:

And, thanks for being amazing and awesome. My friend and I made the talent show and I'm so scared im gonna jenk it up in front of everyone://////// Eh, oh well. PM me if you have any ideas!

By the way, read my other stories.... please?(: Yes? Yes? YES!

This all started with a parkingspace, I'm not supposed to fall in love!Where stories live. Discover now