Part 19(Short, ://////) (Sorry, these parts were jenked up)

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Hey all, hows it going? Good? Okay, awesome. This chapter is just a happy chapter, I liked writing it. But I'm gonna start uploading on this onsundays or mondays instead, so I have the weekend to work. Ya know? Welllll, love you all!


"MCKENNA ASHLEN WOODS!" The loud voice wakes me up. I mumble a little untill I realize it's my dads voice.

My eyes pop open to see Dad looking horrified at me and Chase on my bed.

"Hi Dad..." I say, as if I'm approaching a wounded animal.

"McKenna. You. Are. In. So. Much. Trouble." He says through clenched teeth.

"Mr. Woods, nothing was going on. As you can see, we're fully clothed, and we just fell asleep watching movies. How ya doin?" He asks, with a smirk on his face.

Yes, that DAMN smirk. Dad's eyes are still wide and doe-like, but he nods. "Fine. No boys in your room, McKenna. Not anymore." Then he stalks off. I laugh a little and gett off the bed.

Chase makes a little check mark with his hands.

"What was that?" I ask.

"The badasses checklist."

"The what?" I start laughing.

"All badasses have this checklist. Theres a meeting once a month and we make up new rules. I just checked off 'piss off the snobby rich dad who wishes he was you.'"

I chuckle a little bit. "My dad is you. The little player. I'm suprised he's not dating someone again. And that was pretty lame of you. Wouldn't a badass skip the meeting?" I question him as I walk around my room. "I wanna go somewhere." I grab a sweatshirt and start for the door.

"Where you going?" Chase asks, still sprawled across my bed.

"We," I correct, "are going on a date. Lets roll, buddy boy." And I leave my room.


"This is stupid." I say.

"It was your idea, Micky."

"I thought it would be something romantic." I whine a little.

"With you dressed like THAT? No way." You could hear Chase's smirk. I hit his shoulder.

"Shut up, jerk." I start pouting, but Chase puts his arms around me.

"Because if I took you somewhere nice, some hot rich guy would steal you away from me, you looking as pretty as you."

"Ugh, yeah, but I could get hit on here, too." I say, which causes Chase to laugh.

"Crazy Clydes, the chuckee cheese of the northwest. I doubt anyone will hit on you here."

I look around. He's right, theres only 4 year olds here. I sigh and give Chase a death stare.

"Micky, just enjoy it." He winks at me and starts running around, winning tickets for every game he plays.

We play for a little longer until Chase decides he's done with playing. We go to the ticket counter and get the little reciept for his tickets. He got 1023 tickets, freak. I got 230, which I was proud of.

We head over to the prize counter and Chase looks at me. "So, if I wanted to be all romantic, I would get you a big stuffed animal to remember tonight."

I nod, and point to a big eagle. Eagles are by far my favorite animal.

Chase smirks. "Too bad I'm a badass. I'll take the dog whistle, please." He says to the pimply guy whos trying hard not to laugh.

I huff in anger. "Your not a very good boyfriend, Chase."

Chase laughs as he leads us out of the place and into the car.

"Yeah, but thats why you love me."

I sigh, unable to deny. (RHYME MUCH?)

"Shut up, Chase. Drive." I order, because I feel myself starting to smile.

Chase laughs a little and drives us to the park where we became a couple.

"Your not too badass, ChaCha." I smile as he parks the car.

"I know, big ole softie right here."

We get out and he walks me to the swings, kisses my forehead, and starts pushing me.

"This only barely makes up for not getting that eagle, ChaCha." I joke with him.

"Hey Micky?"

"Hey what?"


Ahh, gotta love that boy.

This all started with a parkingspace, I'm not supposed to fall in love!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon