Part 25

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Hey All! How's it going? Good? Not much to say, but, this is started to wrap up everything, and if it's going fast, sorrrrry:/

Love you all! And, I'll have a picture thing set up sooon!

----------------------------------------THIS ALL STARTED WITH A PARKINGSPACE, IM NOT SUPOSED TO FALL IN LOVE!-----------------------------------------------------------

Recap:I step out into the warm air, ready to hop in my car and go. But the one voice I hadn't expected to hear, stops me like light stops termites.

"Hey, Micky."


I turn to my right and see Chase. He's got a goofy smile on and he's wearing a tux. "Hi Chase." I respond, my voice bored.

"How's everything?" He nodds back toward the reception.

"It's... good I guess. I'm tired." I start to hint at me wanting to leave.

"Your not gonna apologize?"

I stop in my tracks, walk towards him, and slap him as hard as I can. "I have absolutely nothing to apologize for. Well, except that." I point at his now red cheek. His eyes flash and his smiles gone.

"McKenna, sleeping with Tyler-"

"Here's the facts, 1. I never slept with Tyler. 2. Annabelle slept with him. 3. Tyler thought I was Annabelle. 4. I didn't do anything wrong. 5. I'm tired. 6. I don't care if I interuptted you. 7... I'm done."

"You could write a novel." Chase laughs. I don't. "Okay, well, I'm sorry for accusing you of that... I just... I didn't want to think that. Tyler was so cocky though!" He steps towards me, cornering me as well, and I try to stop him. I'm not strong enough, and soon, our lips are connected. I feel the tingly sensation, but it's faded. I push him away as fast as I can. The look of confusion on Chase makes me want to hit him again. "What?"

"Chase I know I was a bet." The words have their desired effect, and he looks stone cold.

"Oh my god. Let me explain..." He starts. I look away before I answer.

"Chase, it's fine. I'm not mad, not anything. I just, I'm done. I'm over it, it's something that happened. Okay?" My voice quavering, I feel shaky. Not like I'm changing my mind, but maybe, saying it makes it more official.

"Can I tell you why I know I can't change your mind?" Chase asks, his voice sad. I'm not falling for it.


"Your not angry. Your just... your defeated. Not in a bad way, of course not. You've accepted it. And now, I'm walking away, accepting it too. I want you to know I do love you, and I'm sorry. But I know it makes no difference." His eyes are searching mine, looking for any weak link in the chain.

He doesn't find one. People are gathering around us, and I feel smushed.

"Okay. Bye." I walk off, leaving everything suspended in mid-air.

(A/N Yes, this is how I want it to happen, it may be rushed, but its supposed to be real.)

-----3 months later-----

Maybe at one point, Chase really did love me. I can tell because of the way his arm slips away from his girl of the week whenever I'm around. Three months have gone by fast, and everyday, I care less. I was scared when I finally went back. The first day, was... it was alot. We still had most of our classes together, and we still had to do the project, because mrs. Wensil hates me with a burning passion.

But nobody really talked to me, as usual. I got dirty looks, and I felt like I was in the movie Easy A. Haha, imagine me in a big red scarlet A.

-----(A/N Guys, I'm not spending much time there, but I just wanted that in there.) 6 months after breakup---------------

"WAKEUP SAN FRANCISCO, I'M REBECCA DONALDSON, AND IM DANNY TANNER." Really? Stupid, stupid talkshow. Shutup. Today's gonna be hell. We have to give our final presentations on the project we started oh so long ago. I groan and get up, not even bothering with today.

My hair is done and I'm dressed, when I hear a car horn honk. I look out my window and see the dark blue sedan sitting in my driveway. It's Zack. He's a smiling mess. We started dating a few weeks ago, and now all he does is follow me around like a puppy. In a way, it's cute.

In another, it's not.

I head out to his car and hop in. "Hey babe."

"Hi Zack." I hate the petname, it bugs me, but he doesn't seem to get that.

The ride to school is quiet, just relaxing. But as soon as we get in the parkinglot, I tense up again. Of course Chase is there. Duh, calm down. I start thinking about hairspray to calm myself.

"You okay?" Zack asks me, concern etched into his features.

"I'm alright...I have a question though."


"Will you be my Link Larkin?" I smile, ready for him to rebound.

"Uh.... who's that?" Zack asks. HOW DOES HE NOT KNOW?

I look away, "Nevermind." And open the door. Next thing I know, I'm thinking, 'Chase would have known what to say.' So I push it away, and feel Zack kissing my neck. He always wanted to be more physical, which I hated. "Stop!" I laugh a little, but it makes me mad he always has to cross these lines.

I hop out of the car and walk straight into Mrs. Wensils room. Our diagrams, which we did seprately, are on my desk, and he's sitting next to me. We never really talked, unless I asked for a gluestick, which most the time I'd get myself.

"Hey McKenna." Chase smiles.



"Not really." I answer.

"McKenna, I'm-"

"Class, lets begin! Jordan and Kaycee." Mrs.Wensil saves me! MWHAH!

And it starts. Lots of talking, yadda yadda yadda. I zone out, think of happier times. Not like I'm emo now, but just, before the parkingspace.

I realize, he would've talked to me without the parkingspace, too. I was a dare, It wasn't important how he met me, so, I've been thinking it's all about the parkinspace, when it's not.

"Chase and McKenna!" Mrs. Wensil, throws me back to the demons.

Our presentation goes well, and I end and start to sit down, when Chase says, "One more thing...."

I turn around and head back up, going through what I could have forgotten. "Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more." He's looking striaght into my eyes, focusing them, making me look at him.

The entire place claps, and I turn a shade of red and sit down.

Did I make a mistake that night?

This all started with a parkingspace, I'm not supposed to fall in love!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang