Part 27 NOT THE END.

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Hey everyone<3

Last part of this story.

I can't even tell you how sad I am about it, because, ahhh! I'm scared to see everyones reactions to how this nonsense ends.

Let's look back on the fondness though. I love everyone and thankyou all for everything. I hope you liked this story, it means alot that you all stuck with me during my 1 page uploads and all that nonsense.

So, with that, the dramatic and clamatic ending of This All started with a parkingspace, I'm not supposed to fall in love!

</3 sequal may come!<3



Freedom my butt, more like traffic up my butt. Sitting in bumper on bumper is always alot of fun. Driving alone feels wierd, normally Zack is with me. My phone starts ringing Annabelle's ringtone.

"Hullo? Shouldn't I be in school, why are you calling me?" I say cheerfully.

"Yes, oh, hush.... shhhhh........" Is she talking to me?


"McKenna, I want you to know, I now havea baby daughter." She whispers. I can hear the smile on her face and I feel heat instantly rushing up.

"A baby girl! AHH!" I start squealing, earning freaklike looks from my car nieghbors.

Whatever. "Yeah, but I don't know what to name her, and I wanted some help."

The first name that comes to my mind I shout, "ANGIE!"

Oh, that's wierd. I'm a freak.

"Angie, Angela, Angellica. I like that! McKenna, thankyou!" And she hangs up.







I pull up so I can try to merge into another lane when I see that bright yellow mustang owned by none other than the guy I want to forget but I love.

I mean, butI don't love him because he's a cheater, and I can't love a cheater.

Chase must have seen me too, because when I turn into 7-11 he does too.

I hop out of my car, he does the same. I turn to him, now mad. "What the hell is this, the copy game?"

Chase just shrugs.

"What do you want from me? I thought I ditched to get away from you, so hop off!" I huff. It's completely not fair of me, I shouldn't even say that, but, I just, did.

"McKenna, your acting as if you didn't go to the office where my class was right net to purposely. And you did, deep down. So, hop on!" He smirks.

"Shutup, that's not even funny." I say, hiding my own laugh.

"So, I have a question. Why is it that you keep running away? And, if you didn't think we shouldn't be broken up, you would have let Zack attempt to hit me. But you didn't, why is that?"

"Mainly because being around you makes me mad and sad and every other emotion that combined, is enough for a person to explode. I really want a day to myself, if you can understand that, then please, let me be." I say and start for my car. Maybe I don't need to be by myself, maybe I could call Olive and ask her to meet me.

This all started with a parkingspace, I'm not supposed to fall in love!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα