Why you break up + how you make up

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-You break up because he cheats on you with Tommy
-Though heartbroken at first you understand and are not mad.
-Tommy feels really bad about this.
-Do you make up?
-Him and Tommy are happy together and you get over it.
-You'll find happiness eventually :)
-You broke up because of the distance
-You two constantly fought and it was hurting the both of you.
-After a long FaceTime call you two decided to stay friends.
-54 unread texts from him that you couldn't bare to look at.
-turning off your phone to get away from it all.
-He flew to where you live and saw you sitting on your roof alone.
-"hey, can I come up?"
-Did you make up?
-Hell fucking yEAH
-"Listen... I'm- I'm sorry that a broke up with you... I thought it was what was good for us, but being here with you right now I realized that I'd rather be with you here and loose it all than without you back there than have it all."
-"What's so awful about 'over there' you have it all Cory"
-at this point you weren't looking at him.
-okay this sounds weird but you were sitting with your knees to your chest looking away from him and he was sitting criss-cross facing toward you.
-he takes his hand and turns your head towards him
-With his hair slightly blowing in the wind and the moonlight making his eyes way bluer than usual you finally make eye contact.
-"hmm you know what makes it awful? Because I'm not with you darling."
-Can you tell my lane??
-UwU ×1000000
-and you kiss because it's fucking perfect
-You break up because it's not working out.
-You can't provide everything he needs
-if ya know what I mean
-it was a long fight but hEy no one said he'd just let you go...
-Did you make up?
-yea actually
-the entire time I was writing this I thought of 'Where do babies come from' by Melanie Martinez
-Screaming, fighting, make-up sex
-i really wanna end this w/ make-up sex
-dont kill me but I'm not writing that
-so you had guys had make-up sex
-dont tell me you didn't see that coming
-You broke up because of Athena
-plz don't kill me I like her this is just for the preference
-The fans told you about her.
-You don't like letting your life revolve around social media so you didn't have it.
-Judah had snuck around with her for a month
-Did you make up?
-Sorry no.
-After trust had been broken he couldn't fix it.
-You broke up because of Nikki
-You had been suspicious when he kept blowing you off.
-Tommy (he's your brother) had been the one to tell you.
-You cried in his arms all day.
-Curtis rushing over because let's face it he's better than Tommy at this.
-Tommy beats Davey's ass while Nikki watches
-Did you make up?
-Okay what did you expect?
-Nikki cut him off to
-So now he's a lone ranger
-Sorry Dave
-Distance got the better of you two
-Him crying even though he's trying to break up with you
-You got the idea and said if he thinks it's for the best then it's over.
-Do you make up?
-He didn't fly to you you flew to him.
-Grace picked you up at the airport and when you got to set he saw you almost immediantly
-He basically ran into your arms sobbing.
-Hes cute isn't he.
-He begged you to take him back.
-with everyone watching of course you said yes
-Grace pretty much screamed and jumped up and down repeatedly
-Thats it I guess
-Okay so since most of my readers are girls I'm making this a girl×girl relationship so sorry to any dudes/non-binery people reading
-Lesbian relationships were frowned upon so you had to keep it secret
-When someone caught wind of the relationship the gossip spread like wild fire
-Nikki broke up with you in front of the entire school
-Saying that she was just playing with you and didn't actually like you.
-Broken hearted and mad you punched her in the face
-Curtis rushing over to restrain you while Davey cared for Nikki
-You called her a bitch and an asshole
-Tommy and Curtis drag you away from it all and the second you get outside you walk away
-Do you make up?
-surprisingly Nikki climbed up a tree and threw tiny pebbles at your window
-she cried while you examined the big bruise on her face
-"Nikki I'm so sorry..."
-"No it's fine... You were right I'm a bitch for doing this"
-You kissed her right then and there.
-You two are adorable
-You broke up because her family made her
-She was a mess at your front door spilling out the worst thing ever.
-You loved her so much but let it go
-Do you make up?
-Her family won't let her see you no matter what.
-You both move on with time and get better.

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