A kinda smutty preference

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This is basically like how you make out lmao
I'm sorry I resent the fact that I don't write smut smut but I can't lol so here ya go
Also aged up obvi
-hes probably been lonely without you
-probably cheated tbh
-with Katie
-but that's mostly me being salty
-wait that's a good idea
-ima make that brb
-okay published now where were we?
-oh right sorry for being kinda bitchy about Katie
-back to what you came here for
-he came home after filming and you were kinda pissed
-he had hung out with Katie alot and it bothered you
-so when he came through the door you were sitting on your couch reading a book or smth
-he could tell something was off
-just how you talked and shit gave it away
-when he started the whole "jealousy is not a good color on you" talk you went to the bedroom
-sitting on the edge of the bed Judah has been quick to follow you
-he stood in between your legs if that makes sense
-i told you this was kinda smutty
-he did that cliche "I'll put my hand under your chin to make you look at me" thing
-staring into his eyes made you sad
-you had missed those eyes
-he leaned closer and his lips gHosted yours
-he was about to walk away but you out your hands around his neck and smashed your lips against his
-you two had a long over due make out session
-lets just say there were alot of marks on your neck

-you already know where this is going
-he always kisses you first
-a simple peck turns into a make out session real quick
-of course his hands freely roam your body
-he grabs your ass alot
-marks for dAys
-his lips are soft even though his kisses are rough
-you run your hands through and tug on his hair alot
-he doesn't touch your hair unless you're cuddling
-kisses lead to sex to lol
-hes horny all the time so that explains it

-hes shy so usually if you need his love you'll just ask for it
-you love his soft kisses but like the rough ones more
-its rarely that intimate though
-but when it's been a while he'll gently push you into the bedroom and shyly ask for a kiss
-hes a gentleman
-he cups your face alot
-not that you're complaining
-he leaves soft hickies if that makes sense
-he likes it when you tug on his hair for some reason
-you always make sure to cover up those hickies though
-he leaves them behind your ears sometimes
-he likes watching you rub behind your ear nervously

-hes so sweet about it
-but he learned alot from ThomASS
-so his hands roam your body alot
-he'll usually rest them on your neck or on your hips
-occasonally he traces circles into your thighs
-needless to say his hand does go in between your legs sometimes
-i told y'all it was kinda smutty

-his kisses are to soft to resist
-hes a teenager so sometimes things get a lil heated
-his hands will run up and down your thighs
-he'll pull a Diego sometimes to
-ask if you don't know what that is
-he asks for consent to
-hes a sweetheart

-hes always got his hands on you
-one time when eating dinner with his family he put a hand on your thigh
-your cheeks flamed and his parents looked concerned
-you stood up to "go to the bathroom" and Davey offered to show you where it was
-when walking down the hall you turned to him with a look
-when you came back you set your own hand on his thigh
-you used your sneaker clad foot to rub his leg
-yes this is more sexual than the others
-after dinner you went up to his room and he silently locked the door
-the sexual tension was thick
-you stepped towards him slowly
-he kind of aggressively but not to hurt you pulled you towards him
-he kissed you roughly and put his hands on your ass
-ten minutes later and it's over
-oof this was basically smut lmao
-im sorry I warned you

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