When you wear their clothes || Pref

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A/n: i'm writing something for that's 2k words long so there will be a lot more prefs than usual. Sorry UwU. also this is kinda satire 


- he was going away for a new role

-he gave you his hoodie before giving you the biggest hug you've had in your life

-after he left you went home and wore it 

- you wore it literally every day
-you went live because you needed human interaction

-in the hoodie mind you

-people started commenting things like "is that ur bfs hoodie"
-of course you and Cory weren't out to the public because he wanted the relationship kept private
-and so Cory being the protective dumbass he is commented "yeah that's my hoodie"
-and them=n you ended it because people were like "He's mInE BaCk oFF"
-so Cory came back and you sLAPPED him 

-but then you kissed him bc you still love him
-so that's how Cory outed your relationship to the public

-that maroon jacket
-you know THE ONE

-he let you wear it because you wanted to

-and he has a great sense of style
-of course the boys tease him because they think you did IT ya know 
-wInK wOnK
-that's it ig


-his fucking bandana

-he has like ten so idk if he'll miss the one
-you wear t as a headband and he happens to wear the same fucking one

-"i can't fucking believe we are wearing the same bandana"
-"deal with it you little bitch"
-"MAKE ME!1!1!1!"
-"I'll kiss you if you deal with it like a man"

-he goes the entire day pouting about it 

-"jokes on you i was gonna kiss you anyway"



-his jacket

-I know it's over used but it's cute

-You wear it because it's comfortable

-he thinks you look hot


-his shoes

-because i need something original

-you wear almost the same size and on a dare you had to swap shoes

-jokes on Taylor you were wearing the same black converse 

-(@/taylo_mckeee on insta)

-you sharpied a smily face on his when he wasn't looking.


-his windbreaker.

-nuff said

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