Gas Station

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Gas station:

Graveyard shift everyone hates it but someone always has to do it. Tonight it was me. I sat there feet propped up on the counter. Watching the empty pumps from the window. No one came through here usually past twelve o’clock. One of the reason’s I liked working the night shift. It was always quiet. All I had to do was sit there and watch over things.

How hard could that be? Companied by endless snacks and free food. I was practically being paid to sit around and do nothing.

So I went on with my normal usually routine. Sitting there listening to the top ten countdown’s on the radio. Gorging down some junk food, and catering myself with energy drinks. Usually by one o’clock I would start to feel the sugar buzz. That’s when I would bring out the green. For a little something extra.

It was getting late and the energy drinks had drowned themselves in my liver a little too fast. So I went off to relieve myself.

There I was zipping myself up in that filthy bathroom. I swear a dead body could be disposed there and no one would notice. I looked into the mirror and could see the bags underneath my eyes. After washing my hands with the brown water I decided to use the lifter. So I pulled out a fresh batch and lit one up. Smoke filled the bathroom.

I locked the bathroom up and vented it so the smoke would leave. That’s when I saw a car was pulled up to one of the pumps. An old worn down Chevy blacked out. So dark I couldn’t see through it. I continued on inside slowly, and walked to the counter, but I saw no one. I looked again outside through the windows but there the car was parked at pump number “6”.

I turned towards the camera’s and looked at the four screen’s that perimeter the gas station, but I saw nothing. No sign of anything.

I walked outside putting my hands in my pockets, and slowly edged towards the car. Step after step slowly walking into the fluorescents. I walked towards the Chevy and felt a chill go down my spine. I could see long scratch marks along the car. Ragged and deep. I walked closer to the car and peered into the driver’s window but could see nothing. Pitch black. There was something in the back seat though I couldn’t tell what but something was definitely there. In the midst of all that darkness.

Then the bell rang from the inside of the gas station nearly startling me. I let go of the stare and walked back to the store. I rounded the snacks but no one was there. I called out to see if anyone was there but no one. Instead, all that was left was sixth dollars on the counter.

I walked over to the cash register and no money had been taken out. I looked over at the window and saw the doors of the Chevy wide open. I looked back over to the security cameras and saw nothing.

Another car drove up it was the police. Quite frankly I was happy to see it. I stood at the counter as two police men came into the store. They nodded as did I.

“That’ll be thirty five seventy” I said to one of the officers. They could tell I was shaken up. “You okay there pal?” I wanted to tell them about the car and the six random dollars, but I was afraid they’d think I was lying so I just nodded to the Chevy. “It’s been sitting there for thirty minutes and hasn’t moved. No plates, no owner, and then when I came back in I found this on the counter” I held up the six dollars. The officers looked at it and one of them motioned to take a look at the car.

I watched as the one of the officers surfaced towards the blackened car. “So you work here all alone at night?” the officer asked I nodded trying to stay straight. Trying to remember I was still pretty high. I watched intensively as the officer walked around the car shined a flashlight at the open doors. He then turned away from the car and did a walk around the building. I still watched as his flashlight lagged in every camera.

He finally came back in “I checked the car and the entire building but nothing. Must be some kid or bum. I’d say stolen vehicle but there’s no plates, but whoever they are. There gone now” The officer said but in no way did I feel any relief. “It happens all the time kid, listen we’ll report it and it’ll be towed by morning” I sighed, but I knew something was off. The abandoned car, whatever was inside? The change on the counter. Something was off.

“It’s been pretty busy tonight” I tried to laugh with them. They just smirked. “Well before we go off on our way, do you mind if I use the bathroom?” The officer who just came in asked. “No not at all it’s just around the corner outside” I really hope the room was fully aired out by the time the officer would walk in there.

So there I was again with the other officer.

Five minutes passed by, then ten, then fifteen. “He sure is taking a while…” I questioned as the officer gave me a look then turned into his shoulder to radio his partner. “Officer Brown this is Officer Keyes do you copy?” there was a pause before he tried again. “Officer Brown this is Officer Keyes do you copy?” no answer. I began to feel worried as Officer Keyes looked over at me. No response.

Keyes motioned for me to come with him to check the bathroom. We both walked outside me again with my hands in my jacket, and Keyes with his gun in his hands. I can’t say this worrying was getting better by the second. Keyes led the way. We made it all the way to the door. “Officer Brown this is Officer Keyes do you copy?” We could hear the echo of Officer Keyes voice come from the bathroom.

Both preparing for what to expect. Officer Keyes motioned for me to get back as he pried the door open and what I saw brought me to my knee’s as I threw up. Officer Keyes just covered his mouth then gagged.

There was blood everywhere on the walls. Painting the tiles of the bathroom with hand prints and smeared bloodstains, and in the middle of all it there it was. The radio that belonged to Officer Brown. Keyes quickly ran inside then picked it up hustling me back towards the store. “Jesus what the hell could’ve done that?!” I started to worry and scream as Keyes sat there.


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