Prom Night

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Prom Night:

There I was in the car of the boy I have been obsessing over since my freshman year. I sat there in my dressed that filled the car with assortments of blue. We were on our way to the night that we were both dreaming off since we got to high school. The night of Prom.

We drove off the main roads to avoid traffic. Not a short cut because it cross streets that ran through a part of our town that remained pretty quiet. I couldn’t wait to see all my friends in there beautiful dresses.

Arriving with one of the hottest boys in the school! I mean sure we weren’t going to witness who’d be the next king or queen of prom. We were going because this was the last night before graduation! The night we could be pretty much ourselves. Free, young, wild.

“Reckless” James said as my train of though was dismembered. I shot him a curious look. He nodded to the radio. “The name of the song is reckless, it’s some local band. Marlene gave me the cd” I laughed awkwardly. “You could take it out if you want” I said. He just ignored me.

There we were! Walking into a beautiful public library that the school had used for prom for the first time. It was decorated with diamonds and crystals, plastered with classmates all dressed down to the bone.

From reds, to oranges, blues, to blacks. Not a color was forgotten on this mischief night. We were greeted by our friends mostly James. My friends consisted of the book club, the girls swim team, and a few teachers I helped assist over the years at my school.

“This is..” James introduced me to a group of his ‘fan girls’ when he was interrupted by the whole varsity  lacrosse team. “Hey James! Look at you! You look like then next face on Gq mags! Oh and your lovely lady Ms. Carver” The boy dress in all orange busted through the crowd and greeted us. With the pack of..Well ‘Mutts’ behind him. I wasn’t too fond of the Lacrosse team.

James greeted his team mates and struck up a pretty good conversation.

“So about the thing” “Yeah, everything is good”

His teammates left then James came back over to me. I was distracted by the chocolate fountain when James returned with a smile on my face. “Stuffed?” he asked. “oh my gosh! This! This, this is amazing! I mean it’s just layers! And layers of chocolate!” I swung my hand out and knocked some of the brown liquid and it landed on someone behind me.

“Oppsy…” I turned around to see. Great just a fantastic sight, James twin sister who was wearing a beautiful white strapless dress with a black bow lined at the waist.


Jame’s sister was just sitting there in shock trying to keep her cool. When she saw James come from behind me. “You know what Carver, I’m so sick of you, you’ve been fantasizing about my brother and since the first time you came over to my house, and now that you are here with him. You think your little fairy tale is all going to come true. Well, guess what it’s not.”

I stepped back and fell into James who pushed me behind him and walked right between us and whispered something into his sisters ears. “Just keep her away James!”

His sister walked off with her date and a group of friends. She gave me this look over her shoulder. The one of betrayal and disgust. It wasn’t until then I looked down to break eye contact and I saw I had dropped chocolate on my dress to top it off.

“Some sister huh?” I laughed as he said this. Even though it was less than an hour into prom and I had already managed to be the clutches I was. I wasn’t going to let James evil twin sister ruin this night!

“Why don’t you say we dance?” Finally! The question I’ve been waiting for all night! The dance where I could finally show James that I’m not just some girl who stays after school a lot and helps out. Or some girl who volunteers around the town during her breaks. I would show this ‘boy’ that I was capable of any mischief as any other teenager was. I was going to make sure that my innocence had left when I entered his car.

There we were our bodies against each other. His hands on my hips caressing me, and there I was swaying from left to right. Making sure every movement was one he’d never forget. Okay, I admit I was becoming a little antsy myself, but her I was at prom dancing against this super cute, hot, funny boy I’ve been crushing on and dreaming about, and my plan was to make him mine. Even if it was just for one night I wanted to prove this to him.

So I did the first thing that came to my mind. Under the lights of the flaring lasers and the heat of all these rebellious bodies. I grabbed James Hart by his neck and kiss him. Under the bliss of the night. Fuck it. I knew I was only going to have one shot so I went for it. I kissed him and he kissed me back and we made out. It was vile it was beautiful, it was intoxicating. Until, I saw from the corner of my eye a figure watching us. Sitting down on a bench. Staring at us with cold eyes. It was Marlene.

“What what’s the matter?” I turned back to James trying to focus him back to me. “It’s nothing just I need to. I need to wash up the chocolate. The smell…” James looked at me weird then let go of my hips, and then I left him just there in the midst of all those bodies as I ran to the bathroom.

I sat in the very last stall of the bathroom as I clasped both knees in my hands.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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