At least you're alone

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At least you’re not alone:

When I tell you this it might provoke a chill down your spine. Maybe even make you filled with paranoia. I may even get you to watch over your shoulder, but that’s part of the effect. See every one of us needs to be able to inject nightmares into the innocent. So let us begin shall we?

It starts out with our mental state. This takes time in preparation and for others it may even occur instantly. See we are the ones who start off with our sane, but somewhere down the line we lose it. Like a cold that never goes away. The sickness envelopes are sight, speech, our hearing, our taste, our smell. It all becomes filled with the desire within our shells.

Some come across the phase early in life, some later, some merely are just born with it. It may take a few disturbing long nights in the mirror to accept it, but sooner or later you will become it. The sickness consumes you with its retched teeth. Sinking in deep past the layers of the skin. Right into the bone marrow.

Once you have accepted the lack of saneness. You have to see what intrigues you in this state. Is it popular kids in school that are all pretty and handsome, and it just makes you want to throw up your intestines. Or is it the helpless affair that has sex when no one’s around.  Or maybe you just have the urge to find skin every living thing you come across. The urge comes in all shapes and sizes so why choose one. When you can embark on a journey of madness!

After you feel out your particular spark of interests. It’s time to physically accept what you are. Will you stop taking showers so your stench becomes a mark of your transformation? Or will you will you hid it deep within wearing heavier clothes to conceal your weapon of choice. What will be your signature? Will it be the quite way you sneak up on your victims. Or will it be the way you open your eyes and smile to let those you know. They should be frightened of your next intentions. Or maybe you just prey on you victims. Watching their every move. Then silently call out there names from the distance, but above all you have to be willing to show your true face, before you earn the mask of…Well your new one.

Next comes your plan or willing. Think of this sort of as your call or initiation per say. The first time you feel a body strangle from your hands, or spill blood in the sleepless night. Will you enter the child’s room when everyone’s asleep? Will you stalk your victims from a distance in the park? Will you cut off the power at a carnival and emerge from the crowd hawk eying that one person you just have the urge to cleanse. Will you wait when your co-worker isn’t looking and suffocate him with a bag. Or maybe you will just walk into a crowded city and make a scene, become a worldwide phenomenon for all to see. I wouldn’t suggest it, as you may die or simple never be able to feel the urge again.

Believe me when say this is a gift. Only a few are selected, but it can happen at any time. Only few ascended to the well-known category though. Those who are so frightened. That they survive in child’s nightmares or urban legends. That’s where we all want to be.

It’s that little worm of evil inside that develops over time. That part of you that begins to be use to eyes rolled back in there head, and the sight of red. The worm that restricts us from feeling anything but the urge. There is no salvation for us, because once you’ve started the thought of being killed or caught. Thrives you as you take the lives of your victims. The more you terrorized that more fear you become. Like a bad rep you only see yourself. Behind a new mask with a new identity. One that you’ve earned. One that child fear at night. Or teenagers speak over camp fires. One that could maybe people peel back their own skin. Whether it’s a bore’s head, a plain coat of red over a clown mask, or even disfigurations to your own face. This is what will take your useless birth name and turn you into a feared individual.

One that could sneak through the woods, move through the shadows and call out to lost children. One that has overwhelming present fear. That it could eat through a fleshy chest. One that could sneak into a family of four and create the art of insanity. Featuring ropes, sharp objects, and blood.

So remember, the urge can happen. We all have a little worm of sickness in ourselves, if these occur. You may very well be on your way to someone of the mask. Even if that mask could be in your house with you right now. As you read this. A trick to deceive you as that mask one hid itself somewhere within your premises. So carefully that you won’t want to leave the exact spot you are in, but don’t be afraid. At least you’re not alone.

Scary Short Stories (NIGHTMARES!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें