The First

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The First:

Me and my boyfriend had finally gotten time to ourselves. I had told my parents I was going to sleep over my best friends for the weekend. While he told his that he was going camping with a few of his friends. I mean we were both right. He was my best and we were camping out for the night.

We parked by a river and hiked off into the distance. He said of a place he knew were. Well were we could finally do what we have been dying for. We hiked a few miles out until we reached a small over pass and under was a stream. The over pass was no taller than ten feet but still it was cozy. We set up a few blankets and sat there. Under the stars for hours. I asked him how did he find this place. He said him and his cousins always used to hangout under here. Back during the summers.

It was getting dark to the point where not even the moon could illuminate our faces. Then that’s when he finally went for it. He started taking off my shirt ever so slowly. Teasing me by kissing my stomach and up my neck. He took off his shirt. I could feel his warm skin against mine, but that was all ruined in an instant.

As soon as I started to unbutton his pants. He jerked up quickly then scouted around. Had I done something wrong? “What’s the matter did I do something wrong?” “No just shh..” he put a finger to his mouth then told me to stay there. I couldn’t see him too well but I could hear shuffling. Then his footsteps faded.

After a few minutes the footsteps reappeared his hands came in like a storm. Feeling me up like a brand new bottle. He slowly unbuttoned my pants then his and I could feel him kiss my skin. Slowly ever so slowly. I admit the stream was not the only flowing sensation tonight.

Then I felt what we came here for, and by god it was incredible every movement every thrust. I dug my nails deeper and deeper into his back. I guess all he needed was a few minutes to man up, but this. This was amazing. This lasted for a few minutes until well I’m sure you understand. After we said nothing and just laid there. Under the stars and fell asleep.

Next thing I know I had a hand covering my mouth, I was trying to scream but no words came out.  I tried to shake enough so my boyfriend who was lying next to me would wake up, but It was then in that moment. That I realized it was my boyfriend who had his hand around my mouth…

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