The Tree House

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The Tree House:

The night crackled with silence as the birds and creatures keep to themselves. All that was left was the winds brushing past the tree’s. Whistling like wailing witches. The moon high in the sky shine through our the windows. Casting shadows and contrasting the deepest depths of the shadows.

Waken from slumber at midnight with cold sweat running down my face, the sound of my wife slumbering her eyes out. I look to my left and read the clock as it struck twelve. My throat itched with a rusting sensation for water. I climbed out of the grasps of the sheets and slipped on my slippers and walked to the kitchen.

Just before closing my bedroom door I noticed a figure moving in the depths of the shadows but maybe it was my hallucinations. All those sleeping pills no telling what monsters walked in my mind. I continued on through the long hallways of our house creaking with each step against the stained wooden floors. Trying not to wake up the kids or wife.

I made it to the kitchen and fancied myself a cold refreshment . Overfilling myself a glass of water do to the blurred out vision I was encapsulated to. Eye’s still adjusting to the dark. I closed the refrigerator door closing off the only light source I had. Then continued back to my room. Walking throughout the house trying to keep quiet.

I finally got to my door when I peered out of the window and caught a glimpse of our backyard. I stood there. Looking at the Tree House that stood on a leafless tree in our backyard. It stood there but that’s when I saw two eyes staring back at me through the night. I turned away and ignored the sight but I could still feel the presence. So I looked back and the eyes were gone.

That next morning I sat down with the family at breakfast and decided to keep the experience to myself. Like I said, I could’ve just been seeing things. My wife grabbed the kids some lunch bags from the kitchen then placed it on the table. I turned to my kids as my wife turned away and asked them. If any of them had gone up in the tree house last night, but they replied that both of them were asleep. They both laughed.

“Alright kid’s! It’s time for school” Their mother said as they hurried down there breakfast and turned off the TV. “You okay honey? You look a little worried or something” she asked me as she wrapped her arm around her purse. “Yeah, I’m fine just tired is all” I replied trying to hid the fact that maybe I was questioning what I saw yesterday. “Okay well, don’t forget Sarah’s going Taby’s house tonight so you need to drop her off tonight and pick the kids up from school. I’m going to be working late tonight so don’t forget!” She grabbed the kids as I walked them out. “Will definitely do. Oh and Ben don’t forget your lunch!” I handed him his lunch bag as he thanked me. “You sure you’re okay?” My wife asked me. “Yeah, I’m fine, I have a few things to do anyway so I’ll be busy” She nodded then walked out the door with the kids. Then they were off on their way.

I back upstairs to the window I saw the eyes last night and stared at the tree house, but it just stood there silently. I Went into the back yard, and inspected the tree house. We’ve never really used it. Actually it was already here when we bought the house a few years back. We just never gave much thought to tearing it down since it was so high up. There was a ladder that was snapped that lead to a hatch to the inside of the tree house but it was wrapped with moss and rusted nails. The wood stained with brownish rusty colors and the entire canvas had vines growing around it. The latch had a lock on it though and as far as I know we never were given a key for it. Still a mystery.

I finally came back inside the house and walked through the kitchen to get a drink when I caught a glimpse of a picture on the dining room table. Out of curiosity I walked over to it and saw a drawn picture of a man standing behind a window his eyes looking straight at me.

I took the picture and placed it in my pocket then went upstairs into my office. I took a few sleeping pills then closed my eyes. One hour passed by, then two, then three. Before I knew it I woke up to my alarm going off and it was time for me to pick up the kids.

“You’re late..” my youngest son said to me as they entered the car. “Sorry I was working on some stuff” they buckled up. “Where’s your sister?” I asked Ben he rose an eyebrow and looked towards the entrance when I saw my daughter walking with some boy. I’d never seen him before and she saw the car then stared at him for a while then walked towards the car. The boy just stared right on through my window. I could swear he could see through the tints. It’s like he was watching me his eyes never blinked.

“Sorry dad I was talking to one of my teachers and…” I cut her off. “The boy, who is he?” She got confused “Oh that’s just some friend of mine he’s a new foreign exchange student. He’s from Russia” she buckled up and I started the engine and drove off from the entrance, and I swear from my rear view mirror I could still see that kid’s eye’s lock onto me. Burning wholes through my mirror.

We got back to the house and Sarah ran right up stairs, as ben walked on to the kitchen to turn the TV on and eat some food. I placed the keys on the holder and walked over to ben. “Hey bud, listen I found this today on the dining room table. Do you know if you or your sister drew this?” I took out the picture but ben saw it for a minute then looked back up at me.

“No I didn’t draw it and I was with Sarah the whole time and I didn’t see her draw anything. All she was doing was texting on her phone” I crumpled the picture back up and put it in my pocket “Yeah, sorry. I’ll be upstairs in my office if you need me okay pal?” he nodded and I proceeded on my way.

“And then when I asked the kids no of them drew the picture” I was telling my wife everything about last night and the tree house. “Well seems to me you’re not getting enough sleep. I mean okay so the kid at school was curious maybe it was his first new friend and he’s never seen a typical American dad, and the drawing maybe it was ben’s just he was joking with you. Listen, we’ve all seen how tired and stressed you’ve been lately. You should just take it easy” “Yeah You’re right” “Well, listen I have to get back to work so I’ll see you a bit later tonight don’t forget to take Sarah to Taby’s. We hung up.


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