Chapter 2

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Jen's POV

My mom and Dad rushed inside my room.

"Why? What happened? " My dad asked.

My mom went beside me and hugged me.

" T-There's a girl....under my.......bed, Dad"

My Dad checked the space under my bed while holding his gun. "There's no one here" he said then he checked the windows but everything is locked.

"See, it's impossible baby. Maybe it's just a dream" my Mom said.

"But Mom, I woke up because I heard someone talking, and when i took a peek under my bed, there's a girl"

"It's really impossible darling,  this is the first night that you slept alone so maybe you're just imagining things. "

" And if you want, you can sleep with us tonight " my Dad added.

" No, but thank you, Dad.  Maybe what Mom said is right" then i smiled to them.

"Okay, we'll go now" Dad said

"Sweet dreams darling" Mom said and smiled at me.

Then they closed the door. I forced myself to sleep but I can't stop thinking about what I saw. I know that it is true, it's not imagination. Wow!  There's some creature under my bed. Yieee,  a smile crept on my face.

Someone's POV

She's still shouting until someone enters. I can see their feet, they're already adults. Maybe they are the little girl's parents. Bullshit! Her Dad has a gun.

I fit myself at edge of the bed so that he won't see me. I can hear them only talking, until it became silent. I moved closer for me to hear them. I saw them closed the door and turned the lights off.

Thank God they're gone. It's really hard to fit myself under this bed. That kid!  I almost got caught.

What if I scare this girl so they'll throw this bed away, why does it have to be color pink grr! It's pissing me off.

I won't go out for a while. I got caught for the first time, Tss!

Jen's POV

"Baby! let's go, you might get late for school! " my Mom shouted.

I placed my things inside my bag hurriedly.  My eraser fell but when I looked down to pick it up,  it's gone.

" Hey!  The school bus is here"

"Wait Mom, my eraser"

"What happened? "

" I fell it and it disappeared "

"Just let it and go now,  I'll find it later" 


When i got home,  I took all my assignments out. I just remembered that my eraser was missing.

"Mom! Did you found my eraser?"

"Sorry but I didn't saw it when i cleaned earlier. "

I still have coloring assignments that's why i search for them first.

" Where my other things? They're all missing"

Every single day, Some of my things started to disappear, but the weirdest was when i accidentally fell my cookie on the floor--i was about to pick it up, but it disappeared. It's already late that time so i freaked out.

I run to my bed and hide under the blanket while sitting. I saw Saver, the teddy bear that my Dad gave me and hugged it.

"Please Mr. Saver save me from the monster"

I lied down and covered myself on the blanket, forcinvgmyself to fall asleep.

Until i heard someone eating. I nervously get my flashlight and took a peek under my bed.

I saw that there's really a creature under my bed. *Buugssh* "Ouch!"  The monster hit her head. She looked at me. She got surprised and went out.

I stare at her for a moment until I noticed that my mouth is widely open and smiling. Our gaze met.

She was about to leave but i stopped her.

"Wait! " She suddenly stopped.

Someone's POV

I don't know why I stopped. I'm confused, she looking at me with those eyes full of amazement.

I looked at her blankly. We're both sitting on the bed when she slowly moved closer. 

" So you're not a monster? " The little girl said.

" This beautiful face? A monster? " I was surprised to myself because i talked back.

" My Dad said that the creature living under the bed is a monster" She said while her hands were slowly getting closer to me. I think she's planning to touch my cheek so I moved back.

"Wow! You can fly? "

She's just smiling at me, she's weird. She's observing every movement I do.

" You're like Peter Pan! "

" I don't know that person"

"Will you take me to Neverland? "

" Huh?  I don't know that place"

"Where do you live? What's your name? What kind of creature are you? By the way, my name is Jennifer " she said while smiling.

She bombard me with questions which pissed me even more. I'm confused, I don't know what to do and what to say to her.

Jen's POV

" Hey,  I'm Jennifer Kim, you? "

She's just staring at me and here I am amazed because of her. Her hair was blonde, she's tall,  has a white skin, and a beautiful face but it's really weird because her clothes were kinda old.

" Hello. What's your name? " I asked again.

" L-Lisa"

"How old are you? "

" I don't know "

" Huh? Eh,  where do you live? "

" Right there, under the bed. "

" Huh? Is that even possible? Where's your Mom and Dad? "

" I don't have those" she said. It's weird but it seems like she's telling truth.

"Don't you remember anything? "

She took a long pause before she answered
" Nothing, I remember nothing "

Lisa's POV

I went back under the bed. Those words kept bugging me. The only thing that I remember is my name and nothing more.

" Who am I? Where am I from? Who and where's my family?"

It looks like I won't be able to sleep tonight, few moments later I heard the girl above said.

"Goodnight handsome monster"


Sorry for some grammatical error and typos

I named her Jennifer here for some reason😉

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