Chapter 3

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Jen's POV

After I went to school, I went directly at my room.

"Baby, there's someone who wants to play with you" Mom said.

"I don't want to, Mom. I'll just stay at my room for a while" I replied.

I took out my lunch box and opened it. I left some food for Lisa. I placed the sandwich near under the bed.

Seconds later, there's a hand who quickly took it which surprised me at the same time made me chuckle.

"Hello?" no one answered.

"Helloooo?" no response.

I thought of a plan that will make the monster come out. I tied the sandwich and place it near under the bed. I saw a hand slowly taking it so I pulled the sandwich further but she's still trying to get it.

"Gotcha!" I said which surprised her.

"Shit!" She said pissed.

"I just want to be your friend"

"Hey kid! I don't have time for you"

"Do you want me to help you bring back your memories?" Words that caught her attention.

"How can I remember my past? She seriously asked.

"Don't you remember anything aside from your name?"

"Hmm...people. I saw different person and room when I'm glancing at the top of the bed"

"Who are they and how did you get in there?"

"I dont know them and I don't know how I get in here"

"And look at your clothes. It's so formal"

"I don't know why"

"What year were you born?"


"Yes, Look it's already November 10, 20**" I said and pointed the calendar.

"Fif....Fifteen... 1540!"


"Yeah, 1540. I saw a calendar in that year"

"Wow, that was a long time.  Is it in your house?"

"No. It was the house of the former owner of this bed"

"You've been staying under the bed since then?" I asked surprised.

"I wonder how old are you"

"I don't have any idea." Lisa said with disappointment.


Since that day she always talk to me. I taught her things that she doesn't know.

"Wait, I thought of something to do" I said while we're playing snakes and ladders.

"What is it?"

"Let's take a picture together." I said then get the camera.

After that. I sat beside her and clicked the camera. "Eh? You don't have a reflection on camera." I pouted.

"What's that thing?"

"It's a camera. When you click it you'll see yourself on the screen."

"Ah, but it doesn't work on me"

"Aha! I'll draw you"


"I'll draw you using a pencil. I'm not really good at it, but I'll try."

I'm trying to draw her every night. It's one of the things that makes me busy. One day, my mom suddenly entered my room.

"Hide Lisa!"

"Are you talking to someone here?"

"No Mom"

"Why don't you try to go out? There's someone who wants to play with you"

"I don't want to, Mom. I'm fine here"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Mom" then I smiled at her.

"Lisa, go out now. My mom isn't around anymore" then she went out under the bed.

"Ah, I have an idea. Why don't you come with me to school?"

"I can't go far from this bed"


"I don't know. Do you think I'll stay here if I can go everywhere?"

"Yeah right" I sadly said.

That Girl (Jenlisa)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant