90 days to live - Chapter 13

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He looks the same yet completely different.

My skin prickles. My throat becomes tight and I seem to misplace my tongue as my eyes flicker from one to the other.

They disentangle their limbs from one other. Jared smirks as the woman licks her lips slowly, lightly trailing her finger nails on his broad shoulder blade.

"Jared" I say slowly.

The woman scoffs as if I've said something stupid. Her manicured fingers continue to touch Jared's skin, driving my glare. My own nails dig into my palms as I take notice of her particularly attractive features. Brunette hair, curling from a high ponytail. Sharp, angular cheekbones and slim figure that is currently draped across my Jared.

"Hello sweetheart" Jared says, callously.

"I'm here to take you back to the STO with me" I say, my voice trembles.

For once I feel out of place with Jared - as if I'm not supposed to be here.

"How nice of you to finally turn up" Jared replies smoothly. He doesn't even look at me but instead turns to face back to the other woman. She immediately begins to run her finger up and down his chest.

Why isn't he moving away?

"Kill her."

I growl lowly yet I'm sure it's audible - at least I hope it is.

"Is there a problem?" The woman asks, finally dragging her attention from placing her hands on Jared. Her pretty mouth forms a disapproving sneer. Her arrogant tone immediately raises my hackles as she flaunts her possessive attitude. Jared scowls.

"Yes actually, there is. However, if you could please remove your hands from my boyfriend because I cut them off" I say through gritted teeth.

The woman laughs before replacing her hands on Jared's chest. He smiles.

"Lara I'm not your boyfriend." Jared sneers. The woman grins triumphantly.

Knots begin to string up my stomach as his words process. What does he mean? What is wrong with him? I attempt to maintain my cool masked facade. I don't want to provide the hubristic woman with the pleasure of watching me surrender to my emotions.

"Excuse me? Jared we're bonded." I exclaim.

"Perhaps I don't want to be 'bonded' with you Lara." Jared says, wrapping his arm around the woman's waist.

"Why? Because of her?" I sneer.

"Yes because of me" The woman replies gloatingly. "Now go back to your ridiculous 'STO' and leave Jared and I in peace."

"Allow me." My Torpen whispers.

The brief sensation of fury is swiftly masked by the darkness of my Torpen's control. This must be the first time I'm not afraid of what my Torpen may do. I hope that when I recover my body that the woman will not return to Jared's side. Maybe Jared will remember and feel the electricity if our skin comes into contact.

Maybe then he will realise the error of his ways. I don't believe for one second that Jared would really consider breaking the bond.

I feel my control slipping back into my hands. The numbness shifts up and out of my arms, then my legs until I've retained full control. My eyes glance around the room.

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