90 days to live - Chapter 18

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"Two?" Kyle chokes out. The boy nods his head frantically.

10 Warriors lost. I stagger backwards, clinging to Kyle's arm for balance. He flinches from my touch before gripping my hand. I can't bear to look at his face. I know he's thinking of the worst possibilities and frankly so am I.

The boy nods frantically.

"Which two?" I ask.

"Alarena and Warrior Knoxx." The boy says. Kyle's grip tightens around my palm as he lets out a low groan. I myself, feel a devastating sense of loss for my comrades but it will be nothing compared to how Kyle is feeling. I've experienced the sensation firsthand.

"The rest of them?" I ask.

"We escorted Alarena and Warrior Knoxx to the infirmary under your instruction. He was wild when he returned but we sedated him. He's with Medic two now and ordered me to find both of you and bring you to him for a full status report before the medication tooks its effect. He didn't say anything about the others so I can only presume they have not returned." The boy replies. His eyes round slightly as Kyle's breath catched in his throat, releasing a strangled, agonised moan.

"Oh." The boy gasps, eventually taking note of Kyle's reaction.. "Warrior Hicks I'm so sorry."

"They're in the infirmary?" I enquire.

"Yes." The boy responds. I nod to Kyle and pull him forward, leaving the boy behind. He stumbles over his feet, relunctantly keeping up with my pace. We pass Suzi and the Medic who is still busy treating her leg.

"Lara slow down. I need some time to process this before I find out what happened." Kyle says.

"You don't know whats happened Kyle; it may not be what you think." I reply sadly.

"Why would you say something like that Lara? The ones that haven't come back are the ones who are not coming back." Kyle frowns.

"There is no point in thinking that way until you know for sure." I reply.

Kyle glares at me. "You have no idea what this is like Lara. This is my brother's life we're talking about." He hisses.

I scowl back at him. I have every inkling of the detrimental inflictions of the loss of a loved one. He doesn't understand that though - I've never told him about Izzy.

"I know that it's not just any old person, I know that there are possibilities that Nathan.." I trail off, unable to finish the sentence as I look into Kyle's eyes. The thought of Nathan no longer being around must be nauseauting for him. I clear my throat. "But we need to consider the lives of the others who were on that mission as well. They're just as important and we cannot neglect them to focus our sole attention of Nathan when they've risked their lives for the STO as well."

Kyle shakes his head and stalks off, lengthening his strides. I roll my eyes. He's supposed to be the one in charge at the moment.

"Kyle, wait." I call. He doesn't slow down. I sigh and skip up to his side. When I reach him, his head turns sharply to face me.

"Nothing matters to you apart from Jared does it?" He snaps.

Ouch. My brows furrow in hurt at his malicious comment. I stop walking, staring after him in disbelief.

"Excuse me?" I say, stunned.

"I said that nothing matters to you apart from Jared." Kyle repeats. "You're not even sympathetic when my brother is dead. I've stood by you, shielded you from the moment we met. I refused to listen to the rumours that you were insane, weak, an emotional wreck even before I knew you because I thought that somebody who managed to conquer the heart of a Torpen was worth respecting. You speak about Nathan as though he was just a stranger."

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