1. You Know You Like Being The Cute Guy With The Cute Baby

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Chapter 1

You Know You Like Being The Cute Guy With The Cute Baby

In the three hours, twenty-seven minutes, and fifty-four seconds that it took us to get ready, I'll have to admit that I hadn't stopped laughing the entire time. How could I not when a twenty-four year old guy was trying (unsuccessfully) to get a four month old ready just to go out for a few hours?

We were finally out of the house after that, though, but it was a whole other story when it came to getting everything ready once we were at the mall.

We were going last minute Christmas shopping since neither of us had gotten the other presents. I had them for everyone else, but for Max it was even more difficult. I had no clue what to get him.

Dad and Brielle were out on their weekly date, so Max and I were babysitting Addy for the night until they got home. I loved taking care of my little sister and Max did, too. Our little trio always had fun.

Max did indeed move to Boston just a few weeks after we found the Nazi treasure in Rome. Since our profit from that find was more than triple our Aztec find, he decided to build a house just fifteen minute's drive away from Dad and Brielle's house.

And, just like I said I would when he asked me the day Addy was born, I moved in with him. Yeah, Dad and Brielle said it was weird not having me in the house any longer, but it wasn't like we weren't there practically every day.

Ben and Drew were back in London, living cushier lives then they had before. We, of course, still kept in contact with them, talking every few days, even video chatting to let them see Addy. It seemed like even at four months old, she already had every man's adoration.

As for that other thing that happened the day she was born, we hadn't heard anything from Agents Turner and Hudson since. Before they left, they really didn't even give us any detail of the code that they had. They only said that they would be in touch. And since that was in August and it was now December, we weren't really expecting to see them anytime soon.

Addy, who was currently still in her car seat in the back of my Audi Q7, was staring up at Max and giggling as he tried to strap the baby carrier to his chest. Yeah, I probably should have been helping him, but it was just too funny to watch him try to do it himself.

"Why can't you be the one who gets to wear this crazy contraption?" he asked, finally snapping the last of the buckles.

I smiled as I began unbuckling Addy to get her out of her car seat. "Because miss Addy doesn't like to be pushed around in her stroller. And she likes the height that you give her," I said.

Max sighed once he had everything in place and looked at Addy before I had her out of her car seat. "It's a good thing you're as beautiful as your sister or I wouldn't be doing this," he said, smiling at her.

She just giggled and started blowing spit bubbles. She was decked out in her winter clothes, white knit hat with a big red bow on the side, and baby boots since it was freakishly cold even for just a few days before Christmas. It had been snowing some also, so we had a few inches. Since it was later in the afternoon, not a lot of people were out last minute Christmas shopping like we were.

I held Addy up as Max strapped her into the carrier. She was trying look up at him, but he was just trying to get her in as she wiggled around. I swear she loved him more than she loved me. It had been like that ever since she was born. They were impossibly cute together. And though he wouldn't admit it, Addy had Max wrapped around his finger just like I had him wrapped around mine.

"There," he said, stepping back so I could take a look at them. "Are we good?"

I smiled as I looked at the two of them, looking back at me. "As adorable as ever," I said, leaning up to give Max a quick kiss and then Addy one on the cheek. "Let go do some shopping."

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