07 || Makeup and Makeout

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07 || Makeup and Makeout

         The rest of their ride was silent, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Kira parked the car in front of West's house. "Alright, we're home. Tell Auntie and Uncle I said hi, okay?" Kira said. She unlocked the car doors.

         West nodded and got out of the vehicle before stooping low to catch her eye. "I will. So, Saturday, right?"

         "Have you forgotten the date already?" Kira teased. She shifted the gears, and the car slowly began to reverse, and the crunch of gravel became background noise for West's next words.

         He clutched a hand to his heart. "Nay, my fair lady. Never."

         "Goodbye, West," she responded with an eyeroll he couldn't see in the dark.

         "Not bye! Never bye! Good something, Kira-san." She was already out of his driveway, but she stopped to wave back at the somewhat overexcited man. It made her smile.

         "Good something," she whispered.

         When Kira reached her own bungalow-style home, the front lights were already on. She stuck her key in the lock before she saw it was already open.

         Her father wasn't due home until midnight, and Lee would be staying over at Trevor's house. Kira frowned and pushed the door open, slipping off her shoes and holding them up for defense. They weren't the best weapons, but her handgun was in the shoe closet down the hall.

         The lights were on inside the house as well, which seemed highly unlikely for someone who wouldn't want attention attracted to them. Kira's thoughts were proven valid as she passed the living room and saw Monique sitting there and tapping away on her laptop.

         "Jesus Christ, what in the world are you doing here, Monique?" Kira breathed a sigh of relief and put her shoes down.

         Her friend looked sharply at her. There was a coffee in her hands, homemade because Kira could still smell the strong scent of the brew coming from the kitchen.

         "Don't take the Lord's name in vain," Monique said crossly.

         Kira just slipped off her silk stockings and moved towards the couch, but Monique pointed one perfectly manicured finger towards the coffeepot. "First that, then we talk, s'il vous plaît."

         Kira's eyebrows shot up but she did as she was ordered to and poured herself a cup before she settled on the sofa beside the petite girl. "Can I change first?"

         "No, this will only be a second. I've got some good news and some bad news."

         "Bad first, please."

         "Bien sûr. Well, the Richardsons and Maliks and Yangs are moving this summer." Monique kept a neutral tone.

         Kira ran a hand through her hair, and tugged at a lock wrapped around her finger. "Okay. Okay. Three of our top clients. No big deal, right?"

         Monique clicked something on her laptop and pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "Now it's time for the good news. Well, sort of good news."

         Kira took a sip of her coffee and waved for her friend to go on. There was a glint in Monique's eyes that usually ended with a happy Kira.

         "Joy-ful Planners might be able to look into expansion," Monique said.

         She didn't know if it was the caffeine or the news but Kira sat up straight and wide-eyed. Her heart raced. "Really?"

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