14 || The Dark Side of the Moon

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14 || The Dark Side of the Moon

         The flavor of chicken burst on her tongue but at the same moment singed her mouth. Kira clamped a hand to her mouth. To the four males and one woman seated around her, Kira's abruptness was mildly alarming.

         "Are you okay?" Lee's spoon stopped midway to his mouth. The utensil hovered in midair before the small morsel of pie fell onto the table.

         She blinked rapidly to ward away the tears caused by the hacking cough she had let out when the pain almost got her to bite her tongue off. "I'm fine," Kira choked out.

         West threw her a worried glance. It was one of the few times he had managed to focus on her since his parents had arrived. Kira batted away the bitter thought and mustered a smile.

         "Kira, I did get quite an interesting email from Monique a few days ago," Uncle G dabbed at his mouth with a napkin.

         He was seated at the head of the table, with Trevor and West to his either side. Kira sat at the opposite end with Auntie Em and her father to her right and left. Lee had squeezed between Trevor and his mother as the seventh wheel - or chair.

         Her father nodded along with his long-time friend colleague. "That's right! The expansion. It seemed like a promising approach but the topic faded into silence and I never heard from her after that."

         Kira felt guilty again. "I seem to be forgetting to talk to you about many things," she sighed. Then she brightened up. "But yes! Our finances are quite stable, but a few of our major clients have moved into surrounding areas, which could be a setback, but then Monique and I looked into those areas -" here she paused to shovel a spoonful of mashed potatoes into her mouth before continuing, "And it seems like we can handle the competition there if we choose to expand."

         She looked towards their long-time family friend and lawyer who was listening to her every word. "What do you think, Uncle G?" Her excitement from the conversation with Monique returned.

         He smiled at her and nodded. "I think your girl's got a good head on her shoulders as always, Henry," he said to her father. "I can write up a few courses of action we can take from this angle - mind you, it won't be a quick and easy deal."

         "Oh, come off it!" Auntie Em called out. Lee and Trevor were immersed in their own conversation but they stopped as everyone stared at the tiny bold woman. "Must we always discuss business whenever we're together? It's a dinner, for goodness sake. Not that I'm not happy for Lee's new job - congratulations, dear - or Kira's usual genius ideas, but Henry's potpie is feeling offended." Apologies were muttered from around the table and Auntie Em smiled. "Much better."

         After much lighthearted conversation with a few slips in between, Kira and Auntie Em got up to clear the table. "Oh, no you don't!" her mother's best friend called to her son and Kira's brother as the two boys were sneaking upstairs. "Rules are rules, and the dishes won't be washing themselves."

         Kira stuck out her tongue at Lee and Trevor as they sulked by. Her eyes roved the kitchen and dining areas to meet West's brown eyes. She was disappointed when she didn't find any evidence of his presence.

         "Kira, do you mind if I look at some of your mother's old silk robes? I wanted to order a few designs similar to those etched," Auntie Em said. She put the last bit of food away in a Tupperware container and held up a sketchbook.

         Kira wiped her hands on her father's apron before he could notice and followed Auntie Em out of the kitchen.

         "Sure, and I'll do you one better. I'll come shopping along with you right afterwards as well. Besides, I've got to get some fabric for the Frozen themed birthday I've got coming up," she said.

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