10 || Balls Meet Balls

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10 || Balls Meet Balls

Kira held the cup of coffee beneath her nose and sniffed it deeply. Some part of her brain woke up, and she opened up her eyes. "Okay, hit me with the stats."

Monique pulled her hair into a bun and slid her laptop across the cafe table. The two women were sporting dark circles.

"The investments are showing an estimate of..."

For the next two hours, both women analyzed stock market polls and investment values as well as future plans. The expansion project report was ready to go when Kira's stomach grumbled for the tenth time. Monique threw her a glare.

"It's practically noon. You haven't had anything for breakfast except for that cup of coffee," she said.

Kira stretched her arms behind her head and arched her back, feeling her muscles stretch and pull. "I'm waiting on Lee. He asked me to have breakfast with him today." She put both elbows on the table and Monique did the same.

"Is everything okay?"

Kira sighed. She shook her head and took a deep breath to keep her emotions in reign. "He chose not to go to college this year. In fact, he's not entirely sure where he wants to go with his life at the moment."

Monique put a hand over her mouth which parted into a small 'o'. "I'm guessing your father didn't take to it well. But what about you?"

It was testament to the fact that although Monique had only known her for the short span of two years, the woman knew her like a mother would. However, her thoughts didn't help the inner turmoil.

"I don't know how I am."

"Kira, you let go of your own education to work and save up so he could get his. I know Lee doesn't know why you chose not to pursue a proper business degree, but your life didn't turn out horribly, and he could be looking for another path as well."

"Accounting." She blinked watery eyes at Monique. "Not a business degree, but accounting."

The French girl's eyes softened but she didn't say a word. Then, she waved her hands in a flurry. "Allons-y, let's do this a bit more logically."

Kira watched with curiosity as with dexterous fingers Monique typed something into the open laptop. Now more curious then upset, she leaned over to take a peek. But a sharp look from Monique sent her back in her seat with a thump.

There was silence for the few minutes that was only splintered by the clacking of keys and Kira blowing puffs of air. She waited for Monique to finish and debated whether she should go across the street and buy an apple.

"Here," Monique finally said. Kira read through the Word document and wasn't sure to be grateful or amused.

"Kira's point of view," Kira read out loud. "Sacrificed her own education, doesn't want Lee to always be aimless and have a hard time making a living in the future."

There was a satisfied smile on Monique's face. "I'm pretty sure I got that bit correct, so dally on."

Kira shook her head at the word "dally" but obeyed nevertheless. "Lee's point of view. He's eighteen with plenty of time, doesn't want to waste money on a college course he wouldn't find worthy, might even have something more specific in mind. Will add details after Kira tells me what happened at brunch." She finished reading the text and let out a chuckle.

"Well?" Monique prodded. She fluttered her long eyelashes in anticipation.

Kira's lips twisted with amusement and she turned her head in a slight gesture towards the cafe entrance. "I'll have to tell you later, since Lee's here."

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