Chapter 5: Should I Admit It?

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That was my response as my palm landed on her face. My eyes widened in shock as I looked at my hand. The sensation in my palm caused me to feel so mortified right now. My lips were trembling yet I could still taste the strawberry lingering on them.

Then I gripped the dress tighter on my chest as if I was ashamed. I had no idea why I just slapped her. I was against violence but she... Tiana kissed me. Was it because the kiss was affecting me so much that the moment her lips touched mine, my whole being rocked for more? I slapped her so hard. That I was certain as her burning redhead stayed down, hiding the emotion from what I have just done to her.

It was just a simple kiss yet for some unknown reason,  I found it better than all I formerly had. Even more than my first kiss. A sudden and brief kiss that made me feel out of breath, like all the walls of this small place were throttling me and her engaging presence sent rumbling feelings inside me.

Even so, her advance was out of line. How could she do this to me?!

We were close friends, but why did she take advantage of it and made me feel like I was nothing like all the girls she would always tease? Was I no different from them? Was our friendship too shallow because we were always arguing with each other since we met? And here I thought that I was different because we'd known each other for so long but I realized I was on the same level as all the girls she flirts with.

Finally, her head lifted up to look at me. However, as I stared at her emerald eyes, an unpleasant cold rushed through my whole being. She was not entirely looking at me like she was in a never-ending daze. Her eyes were filled with hollowness which caused the guilt to strengthen more within me.

"P-Please, don't hurt me," she whispered, her voice breaking.

"I- I'm sorry," I lamented but she didn't respond.

Without realizing it, I held my arms up and cupped her delicate face, her warmth soothed away the pain in my palm. My thumb caressed her red flushed cheek, wanting to diminish the discomfort I had caused her. "Tiana, can you hear me?"

To my relief, she finally gazed into my eyes. A painful expression started to appear on her face.... until a single tear bolted from her eyes. Yet she was smiling as if she was trying to induce herself that it was okay. That everything would be alright if she just smile in spite of everything.

She reminded me of someone I knew. Someone I hated. I didn't want this bright girl to be like me. A person who always hides behind a fake persona that was constructed to please the people around them.

A poor pretender.

Desperate to ease her better, I closed the space between us, pulling her face nearer to meet her smooth lips halfway. Once my lips crashed to hers, something began to start. And I just knew that it would be the death of me.

Tiana stiffed for a second but she slowly responded, kissing me back with the same intensity. I felt her arms snake around my waist and pulled me impossibly closer. My hands were still around her face, holding her still, not taking a chance to pull her lips away from mine.

When I moaned, it gave her an opportunity to deepen the kiss. I could feel the dress slowly sliding off my chest when her hands traveled down to my butt, cupping it fully. A reprehensible moan fled once again from my mouth. Not letting me breathe, she slithered her tongue inside me without warming. I breathed through my nose and we began to fight for dominance as our tongues twirled erotically, not allowing each other to win.

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