Not a Part

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Hi, this isn't a part of the story but something I wanted to share. No worries none of my mediocre poetry.

I just woke up from a nightmare. I had a very detailed and terrifying dream about an alien apocalypse and what I can only describe as the end of the world as we know it. I woke up in cold sweat around 30 minutes ago and started frantically writing down what I saw so I wouldn't forget it. This is my nightmare as I remember it.

First I was with my family: all except older brother. For some context I have three brothers. I myself am I middle child and the other middle child in my family was not present. We were at a restaurant and definitely in Russia. A bit more context: I come from Russia, that's where I grew up, that's the place I consider my home and my family still lives there, I study abroad. My older brother also studies abroad which makes the fact that he wasn't present make sense, my family is rarely able to come together fully. Anyway, back to my dream: we were talking about a tradition that we must do: I don't really remember it but I think it had something with looking for fallen of deer antlers at night to celebrate the last full moon, I don't know. It sounded like something that would be associated with the Pagan religion, but I'm not Pagan and I don't know anyone who is, so don't hold me accountable for that.

When we got to the apartment that we have in the center of Moscow. My dad and my younger brother decided that they don't want to go do the tradition and want to stay at the apartment. My mom who grew up in a more traditional setting insisted at least me and my oldest brother go. When we came outside, was when everything went down. There were a lot of pops, kind of like fireworks and at first that's what I thought it was but no color streaked the sky so I knew it wasn't that. The sky was dark, no stars, no moon, nothing but the lights. The lights were moving in a triangular formation and they were specifically lights, not asteroids or something that I could have misinterpreted. I remember more pops, there was no people around us but the three of us and we didn't hear any screaming or any sort of sound a human could make which made me feel like we were the last three people on Earth. All we heard was the pops and the lights flying overhead. I distinctly remember my oldest brother asking my mother "Should we be scared?" («Нам стоит бояться?») and my mom calmly responded with: "Of course we should be scared." («Конечно нам нужно бояться.») Then one of the triangular formations swooped down and went by very close to the ground. It projected cold from it. Then we started running. It is unclear to me now, because I woke up something like 10 minutes ago if we got into a car or not. Next thing I remember we are running down this car road/bridge. For those who don't know Moscow has these roads that are kind of bridges stacked on top of each other, I don't know if the US has many of them, I've seen it maybe two times here but that doesn't matter. So it was one of those bridge roads, however there was nothing under it, clearly it was supposed to be a top road because there was no rubble on it from anything else, but it could not have been a bridge because there was no water under it, actually there was nothing under it, no water, no land, it looked like somebody shot a hole through the earth, but instead of seeing dirt or magma or the core, all I saw is just blackness. I remember my brother frantically screaming about how we should park the car, I don't know why but I think it's because he thought it would be useful later. My mom was running after us, telling him we should just leave it. (For some reason we didn't go back home when we saw the lights?) We ran over the bridge road, and I remember the bridge shaking with every step we took. I remember all three of us, at least I think it was three of us, I mostly remember my brother, we ran to a park. There was a demonstration there, but not the activist kind of demonstration you are probably thinking of. There were tanks leaving the park, military tanks with a flag on them, it looked like the Russian Flag. Now let me just point out that until the park there was nobody around us. Nobody, just completely deserted streets, no screaming absolutely nothing but the starless sky and the popping of what I can only assume was guns, but I genuinely don't know. In the park we saw people, but due to lack of light they looked more like dark figures, but I knew for a fact in that moment they were people. There weren't many of them and they were huddled together as the tanks continue to leave the park. More pops, more moving lights, I remember the very distinct feeling of dread that usually accompanies my nightmares when I have them but this time, much more palpable. I remember thinking "The streets are already infested and we can't even see them." I'm still not sure what it means but I can only guess I was referring to the aliens. Another triangular shape of lights began to swoop downward toward the park. At that moment I woke up in cold sweat, my back felt like it was burning hot,  but when I touched it it was actually very cold. I've been shaky since I woke up and usually I get over my nightmares pretty fast. It is now 5:30 am and I still can't go back to sleep.

Before anyone wonders, I did not watch a horror movie before bed or read some conspiracy theory about aliens. In fact I barely remember anything about them since I haven't watched an Alien documentary, read anything or watched a horror movie that has to do with aliens since before last summer started and I have not watched a horror movie since two or three months ago at all. This nightmare was completely jarring and did not make sense.
I'm still a bit jumpy.

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