Chapter 14

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Stevie took a deep breath as she walked up to the familiar building, her nike's echoing on the marble flooring inside the lobby. She made it to elevator and pressed the button, the tension in her body rising with each floor that it carried her up. All she wanted to do right now was text Chris.

Whenever she was stressed, she always wanted to talk to Chris. He always made her feel better. But she couldn't do that right now. Ever since their plane had landed last night, neither had hardly spoken to one another. It wasn't that they were refusing to talk, they just didn't really know what to say. Stevie was wrought with confusion and Chris was in distress and felt hurt.

Stevie had barely slept when she got home and when Erik told her to meet him in the morning, she jumped at the chance. She wanted to get this over with and possibly sort out some of her feelings. Stevie eventually made it to the wooden door of his office and thought about just turning around and leaving a few times, but her hand found the metal doorknob and reluctantly twisted it open.

She stepped inside the office as Erik looked up from his desk. He stood up, smiling at her warmly while running a hand through his thick dark hair. Erik greeted her with, "Baby, I'm glad to see you," And then closed the gap between them, putting his hands on her shoulders and kissing her.

Stevie didn't react to the kiss at all. When Erik pulled away, she stared at him, even more confused than before. She felt like she stepped into the twilight zone.

"What's wrong, babe?" Erik asked in a sweet and caring tone Stevie had never heard him use but had often heard from Chris.

"Kind of everything," She stated.

"What do you mean?" He replied.

Stevie's mouth opened and closed a few times, not evening knowing where to start but began with, "Well you sent me some angry texts yesterday and now I come in and you kiss me and are all sweet. I don't get it."

"Look, babe. I was mad when I saw those pictures of you and Chris on the internet but I decided to forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes and I know you were just trying to make me jealous while we weren't speaking," Erik explained to her.

"YOU decided to forgive ME?" She scoffed.

"Yes," He smiled at her. "I know that now you'll see Chris was always trying to get in the way of our relationship and he's what caused problems. I forgive you though and once you tell Chris to leave you alone, everything can go back to the way it was."

"You're joking me right?" Stevie asked.

Erik just gave her an inquisitive look.

"You asked me for the engagement ring back, tell me that I'm desperate without you and am just using my best friend to get back with you, and then have the guts to tell me that you forgive me," The firecracker in her was lit.

He rolled his eyes at her, "Don't bitch at me."

"Chris was so right about you. You are such a condescending asshole," She crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"All he did was try to turn you against me. It actually is pathetic how desperate he is to have you. You'd think for having been someone who's dated hot actresses, he would have gotten over you a long time ago," Erik mumbled.

Stevie couldn't even reply, she was so stunned by his comment. He just ignored her though and walked over to sit down at his desk, looking over some architectural plans.

"I have to get to work so I'm done with this conversation. When you finally calm down and go back to normal, call me," He dismissed, never lifting his eyes from his desk.

Back To You (Chris Evans Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें