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The sky outside was dark, and the moon shined through the open curtains once I opened my eyes. A yawn escaped my lips as I stretched, before sitting up and sighing. I knew it was about time for us to get a move on, so I shook Olivia awake. Thankfully it didn't take her long to open her eyes, and become aware of how late it was.

Olivia immediately sat up and got to her feet, stretching for a second before she looked at me.

"Ready for this?" she asked me with a raised brow.

"As ready as I'll ever be. I don't know about my wolf though." I told her as I sifhed and stood up.

"Well she's gonna have to suck it up." Olivia said as she glanced at the time on the digital clock sitting on the side table.


Olivia and I wasted no time in leaving the room and heading towards Harrisons, practically tip toeing our way through the house in an attempt to not wake anyone that had already gone to bed.

Olivia took the lead as she knew exactly where Harrisons room was from her last steamy encounter with him.

Surprisingly his room wasn't far off from the room we occupied, so as soon as Olivia stopped in front of it she knocked three times and waited quietly until Harrison popped his door open and stuck his head out, rubbing his eyes as he looked down at us.

"Yes?" He said, looking back and forth between the two of us.

Olivia being herself pushed her way into Harrisons room, giving him no time to keep her from entering. Harrison and I looked at each other before sighing and entering farther into his room.

"So is there a reason as to why you want me at this hour?" He asked, his eyes mainly trained on me as he raised an eyebrow and crossed an arm over his chest which I took notice of it being bare.

"We need your help with getting out of here without your Alpha noticing." I said.

"No." he immediately said, earning himself an incredulous look from both Olivia and I.

"Well why the hell not!?" Olivia yelled as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Maybe because that would be me going against my Alpha's orders. You have no idea how scary that man is when he's mad." He said.

"Oh then you clearly have no idea how scary I am when im mad!" Olivia said as a low growl rumbled in her chest.

Harrison gave her a long look as he thought about going against his Alpha's wishes, sighing once he came to the conclusion that he'd get his ass handed to him either way.

"You Alpha bloods, I swear. Fine I'll help, meet me downstairs at 11 on the dot. It'll be risky since the Alpha works in his office until 12, and his office is on the first floor. You'll have to be very very quiet when I let him know that I'm going out for a late night drink, ok?" He stated.

Olivia and I both nodded as if we were bobble heads with big smiles on our faces.

"Thank you so much, Harrison." I said as I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before moving towards the door.

"Yeah yeah. Now get back to your room before anyone notices you arent in it." He said.

I nodded, before waving and exiting his room behind Olivia, quickly making our way back to our room as quietly as we could.

As soon as we made it back we gave each other high-fives before splaying ourselves on top of each other on the bed.

"Thank god that worked. I was beginning to think I'd need to beat him up." Olivia sighed.

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