Buisness Ball

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As soon as my eyes opened and I climbed out of bed, I knew my morning would be spent running around at my mother's request as she liked to make sure that the whole day was special, starting with a big breakfast and ending a big dinner which likely wouldn't be needed since the ball is being held at a later time.

To sum up this big day would be like saying that were having another New Years party, just minus the extrvaganza at the house.

I had been cooking up a storm next to my mom for the past hour and a half. We had practically everything you'd find on a breakfast menu like pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, omelets, crepes, the list goes on and on. One would be surprised that by the time lunch came around no one would eat a damn thing because they're still full from breakfast. That's simply how my mother is when it comes to these occasions and it's one of the few things I love about her.

"Liza, honey. Get me the apples and cinnamon, so I can get started on making some apple pies for later." She told me. I quickly obliged and grabbed the bag of red apples from the pantry, and the cinnamon from the seasoning cabinet before handing them off to her.

As I went back to cutting up fruit to put on kabobs, Jay walked into the kitchen looking a mess. Automatically I knew what was on his mind as soon as he glanced at me, and I noticed that his normal blue-green eyes were now a dark shade of grey, a color that rarely appeared since he was always in a good mood.

"Oh goodmorning, honey. How'd you sleep?" asked my mother without glancing in his direction.

Jay took a moment to sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose before putting a fake smile on his face, and approaching her.

"I slept great, mom. I'm hoping you did too." He said after he kissed her cheek and took a seat at the food covered counter.

"I did indeed. Your father told me everything that was talked about last night and well.....though I don't agree with his wanting you to mate with people that aren't your true mates, I can't stop him from wanting to ensure that you two atleast have someone to potentially mate to if you don't find your mates before we step down." She said.

Jay ran his fingers through his hair, his jaw ticking for a moment as he struggled to contain his frustration.

"I understand, but you and dad know good and well that we've been searching for our mates for years. Hell Liza even-" He stopped mid-sentence as soon as he felt my heated faze on the side of his face. I glared daggers at him as he knew I didn't want to tell them the news yet. He glanced at me before finishing his sentence.

"She even moved to the city not long after I left just to find her mate. How is it fair to force us to mate with someone that isn't meant to be ours?" He said.

I relaxed as he finished that sentence. Keeping my secret from my mother who im sure would throw a fit if she knew that I found my mate and didn't tell her upon arrival.

Our mother stopped preparing her pies, and sighed as she turned to face him.

"Baby as much as I'd love to convince your father to reconsider, the man already has his mind set and you both know how he is. He's hard-headed and won't change his mind." She said.

Jay looked at her for a moment before getting up and exiting the kitchen, soon hearing the front door slam as he left the house.

Our mother sighed before resuming working on her pies.

The next hour was spent cooking in silence. Once we finished she made a giant plate for my dad who had been in his office since he woke up, and I made a plate for myself, eating it faster than I normally did before I rushed back up to my room and practiced my dance routine for a few hours.

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