"The Simple Truth" updated Aug, 5, 2011 (Finished)

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  • Dedicated to Nichole, Thanks

“THE SIMPLE TRUTH” (Robert Keith Allen-  May,2011)

    "In a time of universal deceit, TRUTH is a revolutionary act"

                                                           -George Orwell-
Step one=Discard all knowledge, beliefs and books of allegedly “Divine Text”.
Step Two= Throw out all lies and propaganda imposed on you by the society in which you currently reside.
Here’s the mantra:                                                                        
Respect what lives!                                                             
Protect my children.                                                                                 
Protect all the living things I’ve come to love.
    This is what I roll around in my head over and over.
(A  Good Quote)
“It must be remembered
That there is nothing more difficult to plan,
More doubtful of success,
Nor more dangerous to manage
Then the creation of a new system.
For the initiator has the enmity
Of all who would profit
By the preservation of the old institutions
And merely lukewarm defenders
In those who would gain by the new ones.”

-Niccolo’ Machiavelli-
    It seems an idea will take hold when society is ready to accept it.
    Put yourself to a test. Every time you feel like putting this down, every time you think something negative about what your reading, THINK and KNOW, it is because it doesn’t fit in with your current world-view. If you want to stop, do yourself a favor, force yourself to keep reading. Force yourself to TRY and understand!
    By the time you reach an age when you can understand an idea with substance. Your at an age when the idea will be tossed aside  if it doesn’t fit in with the world-view imposed on you.
    False beliefs are maintained by strong confirmation, or the tendency to seek information that confirms preexisting beliefs. Information that disconfirms them is thrown out.
This bias is much more then academic when social issues are concerned.  For instance if you are raised to believe a certain way, or republicans have the best agenda, or someone you work with is always wrong about everything, you will seek information that confirms those beliefs and rarely examine, remember or notice disconfirming evidence. The more this happens the deeper rooted your belief becomes.

    Since the moment you were born, your senses have been taking in information.
Think of all your physical senses now.
    Experiences acquired through interaction with heredity and environment, parents, relatives, school. TV, (other Pop culture mediums) using your mind as a dumping ground for trash, movies, music, your own peer group, plus countless unmentioned input.
    (From here on, I’ll refer to the collective influence of society as “MOTHER CULTURE”. )

    All this input into your mind and being has given you your world-view. It is also been a major contributing factor in your personality, and the perception, by you, of your own self. “Self Image”.
    Before anyone can accept a new idea, they have to have a clear and open mind. I’m not talking about a mind so open your brain falls out. If you are comfortable with your current beliefs, if they give you a nice soft psychological pillow to rest your head. You are the ones that never questioned what you were told or what you were taught.
    Now ask yourself, “am I happy?” “Am I comfortable with myself and my view of life?”

    Just because your father, your grand-father, your great-grand-father believed it, doesn’t mean it is right. It sure as hell doesn’t mean it is TRUE!  I don’t care if it’s been taught for the last two thousand years, all the more reason to re-think it!
     Most, “SHEEPLE” will give up every right and freedom they have to hold on to the myths and customs they were born into. They will, and have, killed, fought, and died for these myths and customs!
    Don’t become a victim of society! If your happiness ever depends on what others think (or do) YOU’VE got a problem.
     When did you become, “US”?
     When did you become, “WE”?
     What is TRUTH?
    Reality of mind, space, time, free will, god? Perhaps the reality we take in through our senses; everything else, bullshit? Is there no material reality?
Do you have evidence? A hunch? JUSTIFICATION? Knowledge, reason, the testimony of the senses? ….All acting together, will we ever have enough justification to claim knowledge of anything?
     TRUTH   A word. A human, English, guttural utterance that represents an idea.
    It’s a little like buying a certain type of car you’ve never owned. You get this type of car, and all of the sudden you notice all the ones like it, driving by you all the time, On Every Road!
They were always there. You just had to have your first one to notice, they’re all around you.
    Give up all the myth and propaganda you’ve been taught since BIRTH, and with  minimum effort, You too will find truths All around you.
        Humans  don’t take responsibility for their actions or words. They refuse to take responsibility for the consequences of their words and actions. They make excuses and point a finger at someone or something else. They want to be the hero of their life. No one really wants to end up the villain in their life story. They lie to themselves and everyone about everything. They believe their own lies. They double talk, sugar coat, and make their lies sound just like truth. They’re taught to do this. It is probably like this worldwide, but I live in The United States of Amerika and I know for a fact, the media, the schools, parents, etc., etc., are lying all the time. All the way around. Stranger still is most people believe the lies. They are taught and presented as truths.
    The amerikians dope themselves with different amusements and distractions that are designed to re-enforce these lies and myths. In this information age, truth is not that hard to find. Ask the questions, then question the answers. You don’t have to dig too deep these days to research the truth. Turn your lying TV off! Stop with the stupid ass video games. Stop masturbating to your porno, Stop reading your religious books!  Stop looking for something at the bottom of a bottle, in the shit/poison you stick up your nose, down your throat and in your veins. Stop waiting to die and start living and finding truth.
    This has to happen real soon because humans, mostly, “white expansion” is spreading like vermin or disease eating up the host that is our world. There is no consideration for the world we will hand our children.
    Are you an animal?

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